View Full Version : Are 3D 2 pick families "room aware"?

Graham Briggs
2006-09-16, 04:02 AM
Hi all,

I thought that I read something, somewhere about this, but can't find it now...

Are 3D 2 pick families "room aware"? I created a light-fixture family (symbolic only, at this point) for a line-based LED strip. but although it shows up in the light fixture schedule, it is not being sorted by room, like my other fixtures. Does anyone have any definitive answer on this, or any clues or tips, otherwise?


Graham Briggs
2006-09-28, 01:21 PM
Following up on this query, I filed a Support Request, and after several days, received the following reply:

Thank you for your patience. I have just heard back from our development team. At this time the 3d 2 pick families are not room aware. However this is being addressed for the next release.

A possible workaround is to add the room name manually in the Comments field of the family and then schedule that field as well.

I hope this helps.

Best Regards,

Don Falkowski
Autodesk Support Team

Graham Briggs
2008-08-09, 06:10 PM
This is still not resolved in RAC2009, at least for my "line-based" lighting fixture family.

As a work-around, however, if I nest the line-based family in a standard Light Fixture envelope, the item reports it's room location.

2008-08-10, 05:14 AM
Starting with a 2009 family template (using Revit Architecture build 20080602_1900) I find that they ARE room aware. You may need to remake the family if simply upgrading it doesn't cause it to play nice. It is also possible that the extents of the room and the light fixture are at odds...the fixture "above" the room.

Graham Briggs
2008-08-12, 12:30 AM
Thanks for the update Steve...

Some clarification is needed on my previous post:

The upgraded family was room aware. But since I sort my Lighting Fixture Schedule by level, then by room, I didn't notice the entry [at the top of the schedule]. Apparently, line-based [generic model] families are not "level aware". I tested this by re-building the family from a 2009 template (generic line-based, changed to lighting fixture) and then inserting it into a project. The fixture was [again] sorted by room name, but not by level.

The fixture is an LED strip intended for under-cabinet use. It is built on the Ref. Level, and offset vertically, as needed, in the project, typically at 4½ - 5 feet above the floor -- well within the room volume.

My work-around (see previous post) solves all of the issues.

Alternatively, I also built a family based on a 2009 linear light fixture template, and inserted it into the same project. This version was both room and level aware, but lacks the click and drag, length parameter functionality. In this specific case, since the manufacturer makes the fixture in 12" modules that can be ganged end-to-end, this last modeling approach would have been sufficient, had I not already built it as line-based.

Thanks, though, for looking out for us.