View Full Version : Occupant Load Room Tag

2006-09-18, 02:26 PM
I have created a schedule that calculates the Occupant Load for all my rooms.
I want to create a room tag that'll reference this number but I've run into a problem that the room parameters cannot reference calculated values from a schedule.

Any ideas on a work around (besides manually transcribing the number into a parameter for each room)?


2006-09-18, 02:40 PM
Sure... manually transcribe the numbers... <grin>.

But seriously, that's the only way. What others have done (including myself) is to create a Schedule that has both of the Parameters (one calcuated, one manual) next to each other so that it's easier to compare the values and keep them the same. And if you have the Schedule total both columns you can tell at a glance if the columns need to be updated (not 100% accurate but the odds are in your favor)

2006-09-18, 02:55 PM
That's what I guessed but I thought I'd ask others just in case I missed something.
