View Full Version : scheduling generic models

2006-09-18, 08:29 PM
Can you schedule generic models?? I went to create a schedule for them and couldn't find it in the list. So I decided to do a multi cat. schedule, looked for one of the parameters in the fields list that I knew was in my generic model family and couldn't find it? Am I missing something?


cliff collins
2006-09-18, 08:48 PM

I believe you could try using a Shared Parameter, which will allow info
about the generic model family to be reported on a schedule?

I have not actually done this--just a quick thought.....

2006-09-18, 08:54 PM
You need to create a multi-category schedule and use a filter parameter. You'll need to read the help file for this one. (Even I have to refresh my memory on this topic now and then... ;-) )

2006-09-18, 09:01 PM
You sure can, we've got lots of them. Cliff has it right, you need to make sure to use shared parameters so they can be scheduled. Be sure you are loading your shared parameters into the right categories using the "Parameter Properties" dialog. That way they can show up in your schedule properties under "multiple categories" or wherever they might be (rooms &tc.)

2006-09-19, 01:41 PM
Thanks for your help guys. I'm assuming that because a generic model isn't really meant to be scheduled, that the 'shared parameter' is the option for this? That would help me understand a little better.


2006-09-19, 02:11 PM
No. The generic model is ment to be scheduled.
You use multi-category schedule.
However, because the generic model category is for "all other stuff", the programers built in a method to sort generic models of "Things of Type One" from "Things of Type Two". This is the filter parameter.

2006-09-19, 03:31 PM
I think David was suggusting the use of share parameters as a means to be able to schedule more meaningful information about a generic model, beyond was is inlcuded with the default parameters, and more then merely filtering by type. Shared parameters are quite useful for embedding data/information that is important to your end result, that hasn't been inlcuded by default by the programmers.


Don Sutherland
2006-09-19, 03:52 PM
Is is possible to tag and schedule a generic model, Like if I make equipment from a generic model and than tag and schedule it in a equipment schedule? Can I have different types of equipment and developed different schedules for each type?

2006-09-19, 04:16 PM
Thanks for expanding your explanation. That really helps. I'll play around with it and I'm sure I'll find what I'm looking for through the filter tool as Aaron has mentioned. Thanks!!


2006-09-19, 04:35 PM
Is is possible to tag and schedule a generic model, Like if I make equipment from a generic model and than tag and schedule it in a equipment schedule? Can I have different types of equipment and developed different schedules for each type?

Yes. In the attached image "Generic Model Tagged" we have a (very) generic family (pointed out in the browser and in the model view with red arrows) showing how a generic tag can pick up the value for the parameter "Type Mark"and display it in the tag (green arrows.)

You can also create a custom tag (or tags) to display up other information. For example, if you create a new annotation symbol using the "generic tag" template and then insert one or more labels into it. When you add a label Revit will prompt you to select a parameter with which it is associated from list of possible parameters, as shown in the image "Select a parameter Label." Once the tag is used in a project, those labels will pick up the value of that parameter from the object being tagged and display it. Note also that you could also add additional custom parameters for other information, and add labels for them so they display in the tag. These need to be shared parameters, (if you hit "ADD" here Revit will give you no other option.) and those shared parameters can also be used in schedules.

One last thing Don, just because you start with a generic family template for your equipment, doesn't mean it has to stay under the "generic models" category. You can feel free to change it using "Family Category and Parameters" under the settings menu in Family Editor. We made quite a bit of equipment from the generic template file, but then switched it to the specialty equipment category. We also moved some into furniture and other places. After adding some additional shared parameters (called Type Number and Type Group) we have these values appearing in a custom tag, and all this information filling in schedules in our document set. You can see the equipment with tag in "Equipment Piece 1" and the corresponding row of the schedule in "Schedule" <clever name that> These are still being refined for graphics, but the concept it there.

Don Sutherland
2006-09-19, 09:01 PM
David, Thank you for your detail reply. I'll check into this tomorrow.

2007-08-21, 04:10 PM
I have a sort of follow up to this question: The shared parameter makes it so the generic model appears on the schedule, but there is no differentiation between the different family types.
What is the best way to count and sum individually different types within a family?
Thanks a lot in advance,

2007-08-21, 05:00 PM
The shared parameter itself does not "make" the generic model schedulable. The generic models are always schedulable via "Multi-Category" schedules. The issue at hand is how to filter the schedule so that you are only scheduling the specific items you're interested in. With regards to your question. The type mark parameter that by default is in 90% of all families is inteded to be used to distinguish between different types of same family. For further itemization you can use the "mark paramter" to identify and itemize specific instance of a family. Both parameters are text based, so you can enter whatever information you like. As an added benifit you can create a tag that will tag the same data in your views.


2007-08-21, 06:34 PM
Thanks for the clarification Robert.
My problems actually were in the area of sorting, and have now been resolved.
Thanks again!