View Full Version : Cleaning up of profiles

2006-09-18, 10:56 PM
Why do the profiles on walls sometimes clean up and other times not? See attached.
I'm using Revit 7.

Chris Ganiere

2006-09-18, 11:23 PM
Sometimes it has to do with your wall joint type and wall height.
You may have to make sure that the transition and properties between the walls are flawless.
You may also want to try and 'Join Geometry' the two walls.

I hope this helps

2006-09-19, 09:57 AM
(Using: "Host Sweep, Wall Sweep")When doing sweeps around a building, make sure that the sweep is done in the same command ie. don't press escape or "start new" whilst busy. Keep in mind that the sweep will behave as one entity.. When selecting "start new" and try to align the sweeps, it gets tricky.. The sweep needs to be 100% aligned horizontally and then also make sure that the blue controll points are in exactly the same place..

2006-09-19, 11:12 AM
I've also found that you have to always pick the wall while the side that you want sept is facing you. If you click on the back of the wall, the sweep segment comes through on the back - not what you want! - so spin the model round as you add segments to keep the wall you're working on always facing you.