View Full Version : How to move a wing of a building without loosing tags, dimensions, and notations

2006-09-20, 05:52 PM
I am trying to move a wing of a building 4 feet that currently is tagged, dimensioned, and noted. Since Tags, Dimensions &Notes (TD&N) are all view specific, I have opened all the views, picked everything that needs to move with the wing and de-selecting everything that does not, pick the Move command, check Disjoin, then move the wing 4 feet. I then receive a warning with an infinite list of TD&N's that will be deleted if I proceed with the move. Does anyone know of a solution which will alleviate the need to go back and re-dimension, tag and note the entire drawing set?

Graham Briggs
2006-09-20, 09:16 PM
Sound like you've got the right idea. However, in many/most cases dimensions and tags will automatically move with objects, so you probably don't have to select them. Text notes on the other hand, will stay where they are, unless you select them.

Another things you might try: Select as much as you can in the first view(s). Group those objects (and name the group so you know what it is, later in the project). Go to the next view (s) and repeat, or Edit the first group, and Add To Group, etc. Once you have everything selected (except dimensions, tags, and anything ID'ed as Other (in the Filter Selection on the toolbar), then try your move. If it balks, check the error message, and uncheck (in the Filter Selection on the toolbar) any object type that was flagged. Worst case, you will have an "unspoiled" Group that you can use as a replacement source if it all blows up. If successful, then just Un-Group.

Good Luck,

2006-09-25, 05:21 PM
Still unsuccessfully at this point in time, but I think grouping may possibly hold the answer. One thing I am running into however is that after i initiate the move command. i can only move the object North and South (towards the top/bottom of the screen). I need the move the wing to the left or right. If I check Disjoin then the warning again pops up about losing door, room, etc. tags and dims. Is there a way of releasing constraints that might be keep the group from moving left or right without dis-joining everything in the group?

Steve Mintz
2006-09-25, 05:42 PM
Is there a way of releasing constraints
Have you tried unchecking the "constrain" box?

2006-09-25, 07:39 PM
when I have had to do these kind of moves i have found that if wall based families are included in the selection it will limit the direction you can move since the wall based family can only move along the direction of the wall.

I have gone through the pain staking exercise of selecting only walls, roofs, floors hose kinds of objects (the selection filter helps out alot with this) and allowing the wall based elements to just follow where the wall goes.

2006-09-26, 08:50 PM
In response to the above replies, I did try the move with the constrain checked and unchecked as well as joined and dis-joined. With the disjoin checked, I was able to move the wing in its entirety, but at the expense of losing all view specific information (dims, notes, etc.) This prompted an approach more in line with the second reply. Which led to picking up fewer red lines, but still a taking a ton time. Ultimately, it would have (and will be) nice to be able to move the entire wing a few feet without having to rebuild (or shift) the wing part by part. If anyone has a method, please pass it on.