View Full Version : Color Fill, Areas or Rooms

2006-09-20, 09:02 PM
We have been unable to discover a method for a solid color fill that will allow all the fill to display everywhere without leaving wall interiors "white" or hiding other objects beneath the fill. Using a filled region with a solid hatch just covers everything and I cannot use the display order to make this work either. Both rooms and areas exclude the walls. Further complicating the issue is that some families also display Is there a way in Revit to create something similar to a solid hatch from ADT that we can use and control the display order? We could create a solid fill for the walls at coarse display (also acceptable) but then our 1/16" plans would have filled walls also which we want to avoid.


2006-09-20, 09:40 PM
I think you can change the color to be transparent

2006-09-20, 09:55 PM
Yes, you can change the regions to transparent but that does not fix the problem. The transparency is not the color, it's the background. Transparency in a filled regions does not work like materials wherein you can set a percentage.

2006-09-20, 10:15 PM
On the room color fill, I know there is a setting that changes the room boundary to the center of the walls binding that room, which in turn fills in the walls with color...

2006-09-20, 10:34 PM
...there is a setting that changes the room boundary to the center of the walls binding that room, which in turn fills in the walls with color...
Again, you are correct about the setting. But unless I am missing something major, it does not solve my problem. Calculates the rooms correctly for SF to the center of the wall but does not fill them with color. Also, this is an "all or nothing" setting which means the color fill would also be to the middle of exterior walls. Which would look silly. But thanks.

2006-09-20, 11:47 PM
... Also, this is an "all or nothing" setting which means the color fill would also be to the middle of exterior walls. Which would look silly. But thanks.

Yes I am aware that the color fill would extend to the center of the walls, but I figured it would atleast help you get rid of the white...

sorry I couldn't help further.

2006-09-20, 11:50 PM
...sorry I couldn't help further.
Thanks much for the try. Actually, if you look closely at the image I attached, the color fill does not extend to the center (if wishes were dollars....). Even though the boundary is centered, the color fill stops at the inside edge. Same thing if you adjust the setting for core or interior face or whatever. Logically, I understand why but it's still an issue.

2006-11-13, 11:00 AM
I agree - this is a real problem. Room Areas calculate correctly but can display wrong. The only way I could solve it was to create two views - one with the colour fill only, the other with walls but no fill. Then superimpose the wall view on top of the fill view on the sheet.
Inelegant but until they make fill transparency work . . .

2006-11-13, 03:24 PM
The reason is that your wall has materials assigned to its layers and transparency is not supported in shaded views. So even if you have transparent materials applied, they would still be opaque and hide the color fill. If the white walls are distracting, consider making them show with a solid black fill in coarse view or any color of your choice.

2006-11-13, 04:09 PM
If the white walls are distracting, consider making them show with a solid black fill in coarse view or any color of your choice.
It's not that the white walls are distracting, it's that it is not quite accurate when conveying the SF concept. The solution with the course fill will not just affect these area plans, it will also affect all other views where we use the course display where we would not want the walls solid. Like the required color DHFS life safety plans that we do at 1/16" or 1:20 (image attached). But thanks.

FYI, the DHFS life safety lines in the image are all Revit and only Revit. No AutoCAD exports and it's actually text - and the rating line can be lengthened or shortened and it still works. And if the wall is thicker than those illustrated, the text offset can be adjusted. And if it's a teeny, short line, the text will not display at all. Works to get the NCS rating lines with the diamonds also. :)

2006-11-13, 05:53 PM
The solution is to duplicate you color filled view and turn off everything except stairs, floors, furniture, etc. then switch this view to wireframe and place it on a sheet overtop of your color fill plan. this gives you the solid fills with the graphics on top without switching your color plan to wireframe.

2006-11-13, 06:43 PM
Scott's solution should work. Your views will try to align when placed on a sheet.

Are those wall hatches that you're using for the Life Safety plan? I know I've read that out here, but it would clash with presentation drawings in my case. I wish we didn't have to resort to such workaround to get this representation. I don't export to Cad either. I use line based detail components and trace over the walls with the right type. Now I need to create one to handle curved walls :)

2006-11-13, 07:40 PM
Are those wall hatches that you're using for the Life Safety plan?
Nope - not hatches. This was so complicated to resolve that I am not sure I could explain in a tutorial less than 20 pages - assuming I could even write something comprehensible. Was just one of those "you can't do this in Revit" challenges we were determined to do... Took a whole bunch of formulas and nested families and visibility parameters and complex length parameters and Word skill and math and arrays and object styles. I tinkered with this for weeks and then we tested on a real project with a power-team. Smoke barriers with both symbols and text were tough but not impossible. Our users love this. Needed something because we are starting two new hospital projects in Revit and we did not like any of the posted work-arounds and did not want something in AutoCAD.

Savoring our success for the moment...

Maybe for a real expert session at AU next year? Might take a whole hour lab to explain. Are you attending this year?

(And I have not resolve the curve either - so no more designs with curves. :lol: )

2006-11-14, 02:39 PM
Yep, I'll be there. I might have a curved solution for you ;) So your solution is something other than walls I suspect right? Because you cannot nest families within walls, unless you used sweeps or something similar. Come on, give me a hint!