View Full Version : Pesty Plan Region Lines as Solid Thin Unselectable Lines w Linework tool

2006-09-21, 12:07 AM
Please help me remove occasional plan region lines that want to remain visible as a solid thin line. I can not even select those lines with the linework tool to make invisible. In most instances the Plan Region Border is shown as a hidden line that is only visible when hovering over. But occasionally I get these stubborn ones that I need to know how to get rid of. I have had this issue from release 7.0 to present. I have used wide white color detail lines to paint over them but want to know a better way.

2006-09-21, 12:59 AM
what version are you using? I have never had this problem either

2006-09-21, 11:20 AM
I am using version 9.0 but I have had this pesty problem from 7.0 onward. In general, I find that the plan region lines cooperate and are not visible. But I also get a fair amount that won't.

Scott D Davis
2006-09-21, 03:41 PM
would you please post a screen capture of these lines that are showing up?

2006-09-21, 05:54 PM
Well if it's only occassionally happening, everytime it does, why don't you just create a new plan region instead of messin' around with the ones that have problems? And I echo Scott Davis, please post a screenshot of the problem...

2006-09-21, 07:08 PM
I have attached 3 views: Normal with frame walls above foundation wall with garage door and 2 Plan Region views so that I do not show the frame wall and the garage door.

The foundation drawing view settings are:
top - bsmt lvl - 8'-0"
cut plane - bsmt lvl - 6'-6"
btm - bsmt lvl - 0'-0"
levl - bsmt lvl - 0'-0"

plan region view settings are:
top - bsmt lvl - 6'-0"
cut plane - bsmt lvl - 4'-8"
btm - bsmt lvl - -4'-0"
levl - bsmt lvl - -4'-0"

One in which I hovered over the plan region. I moved the interior of the border line on top of the foundation wall the exterior portion of the border line disappears automatically.

The other is of the Pesty Plan Region Lines.

Scott do you work in a Rancho Cucamonga Architecture Firm with my main man Frank C. whose is an Italian guy with family in Chicago a Univ of Illiinois Circle Grad and has 2 awesome kids name Sidney and Maclean?

Scott D Davis
2006-09-21, 09:22 PM
Scott do you work in a Rancho Cucamonga Architecture Firm with my main man Frank C. whose is an Italian guy with family in Chicago a Univ of Illiinois Circle Grad and has 2 awesome kids name Sidney and Maclean?
Yes I do! Trying to get him into Revit!

2006-09-21, 09:27 PM
It really looks like your plan region "cut plane" is set so high that it is cutting the floor above

I have attached 3 views: Normal with frame walls above foundation wall with garage door and 2 Plan Region views so that I do not show the frame wall and the garage door.

The foundation drawing view settings are:
top - bsmt lvl - 8'-0"
cut plane - bsmt lvl - 6'-6"
btm - bsmt lvl - 0'-0"
levl - bsmt lvl - 0'-0"

plan region view settings are:
top - bsmt lvl - 6'-0"
cut plane - bsmt lvl - 4'-8"
btm - bsmt lvl - -4'-0"
levl - bsmt lvl - -4'-0"

One in which I hovered over the plan region. I moved the interior of the border line on top of the foundation wall the exterior portion of the border line disappears automatically.

The other is of the Pesty Plan Region Lines.

Scott do you work in a Rancho Cucamonga Architecture Firm with my main man Frank C. whose is an Italian guy with family in Chicago a Univ of Illiinois Circle Grad and has 2 awesome kids name Sidney and Maclean?

2006-09-21, 10:02 PM
Scott, Great article in Augi world on detailing. That is my next frontier. I have done all my details thus far in Autocad. Tell the man from Cuomo his Elgin Univ of Illini Champaign Grad friend w 2 sons Brendon & Blake sends his regards and drop me a line via my email.

Thanks Luigi for the thought but when I lowered the cut plan it had no impact. I did manage to change the cut plan border line to coincide with the inside edge of the foundation wall to not show a line. Again, the exterior edge of the Plan Region did not have a problem disappearing. See attached.

The real problem with the lines is 2 problems.

One - I can not get them to disappear via any kind of settings that I have tried.

Two - I can not use the linework tool on them to make them disappear. The only way I can get them to disappear is to draw a white line over the top of them.

What am I not doing correctly?

2006-09-22, 12:08 AM
it's still weird....i just have a feeling that there is some geometry that intersects the cut plane....Can you send me the rvt file? or a portion of it? you can use www.yousendit.com (http://www.yousendit.com/) to my email lmcoletta@hotmail.com

take care

**PS, I just put my baby down and realized that my intuition has to be totally wrong...but I would still like to test it out if you could make a copy of your file with most of the geometry gone leaving enough to still have the problem shown...


Scott, Great article in Augi world on detailing. That is my next frontier. I have done all my details thus far in Autocad. Tell the man from Cuomo his Elgin Univ of Illini Champaign Grad friend w 2 sons Brendon & Blake sends his regards and drop me a line via my email.

Thanks Luigi for the thought but when I lowered the cut plan it had no impact. I did manage to change the cut plan border line to coincide with the inside edge of the foundation wall to not show a line. Again, the exterior edge of the Plan Region did not have a problem disappearing. See attached.

The real problem with the lines is 2 problems.

One - I can not get them to disappear via any kind of settings that I have tried.

Two - I can not use the linework tool on them to make them disappear. The only way I can get them to disappear is to draw a white line over the top of them.

What am I not doing correctly?

2006-09-22, 04:15 AM
Luigi, I sent you the file per your instructions. Any thoughts?

2006-09-22, 01:28 PM
Luigi, I sent you the file per your instructions. Any thoughts?
Ok...this is what is going on...

You have a slab at grade level which is visible in your basement plan.
if the boundary of your plan region touches or intersects the floor (which your example does) then

inside the plan region there is no slab, outside the plan region there is a slab...so the boundary shows an edge, because it is cutting your slab....

That is what is happening....now..what about a solution?

one thing you can try is to align the plan region boundary with the foundation wall under the garage doors..which would coincide with the edge of the slab thus not showing......

I hope you understand the problem, and once you know the problem you should be able to find a solution...

Take care,