View Full Version : 9.1 Area tool stalls out

2006-09-21, 08:45 PM
We have a couple of levels in our project that will not "accept" the placement of an area object. After clicking the area tool revit responds normally, then, when you hover the cursor over the view, Revit stalls and cycles endlessly to regenerate the view. Once this happens, your only recourse is to "esc..esc..esc" out of the command.

This happens on all views associated with that level.

We have "calculate room volume" off.

Any ideas?

2006-09-21, 10:49 PM
If you believe this to be a true Revit V9.1 bug you should file a descriptive support request so Autodesk can fix this bug...

2006-09-22, 04:28 AM
Yes, please file a support request. I'd like to see your model.


2006-09-22, 01:03 PM
Do you get the same behavior in all copies of the model on different computers?

2006-09-22, 01:13 PM
Do you get the same behavior in all copies of the model on different computers?

Yep, multiple computers. I'm filing with support now.

P.S.Good to here from you Mike!

2006-09-25, 05:50 PM

Your file arrived safely. You unfortunately met one of our little bugs that survived our crushing efforts.

Namely "Placing the very first room on a level causes unnecessary recomputations until it is placed."

Luckily you have an option to circumvent this:

Copy an existing room from another level; paste aligned on the new level to create the first room quicker. Once it is placed, you may start adding more the regular way. You can also delete to first placed room if it is not exaclty what you wanted.

We are sorry for your troubles.


PS: This problem is only noticable in complex floor plans, as room computations tend to be fast. Here we spend about 2 seconds to compute on every mouse move. So the more you got frustrated and moved your mouse, the more we fell behind...

2006-09-25, 07:38 PM

Worked like a charm.

We have support working with development, and sharing what's learned on the forums - now that's service!

Thanks everyone, you saved our week.

Wes Macaulay
2006-09-26, 06:16 PM
Tamas, we had that problem once in one area scheme in our project; we hadn't gone far with it so we deleted the whole scheme and soldiered on with a new one. Thanks for the explanation and work-around!