View Full Version : Diameter and degree symbols

Henry D
2003-06-12, 08:03 PM
Does Revit text have a way of showing a diameter and a degree symbol?- like in AutoCAD you can do %%C for diameter and %%D for degree.

Allen Lacy
2003-06-12, 08:15 PM
Depending on the font you're using, you might find the symbols in the character map.

2003-06-12, 08:16 PM
You can use any symbol from the character map. To get the degree symbol , °, hold the <ALT> key and press 0176. I don't recall what the diameter symbol is, but if you go to Start->Run and type charmap, it will bring it up. If they don't have a shortcut, you can copy and paste. Make sure you are using the same font in the character map as you are in Revit. Different fonts can sometimes have different symbols.

My personal favorite is ±, <ALT> + 0177.

Henry D
2003-06-12, 08:42 PM
Thanks, it took me a while to get it. The unicode character value has to be entered with the number pad keys and I kept using the other numbers.
Great info!

Scott D Davis
2003-06-12, 08:47 PM

Thanks for the info....you you mind adding these to the "Tips and Tricks" forum? Maybe post a few codes and what the resulting symbol is....Thx!

BTW, I though it was funny that your online status is now "hidden", considering that the Forum Index lists "One Hidden user currently online" wonder who that might be??? :roll:

Scott Hopkins
2003-06-12, 09:40 PM
The degree symbol ° = Alt+ 0176

J. Grouchy
2005-12-01, 07:11 PM
Does Revit text have a way of showing a diameter and a degree symbol?- like in AutoCAD you can do %%C for diameter and %%D for degree.
diameter is: ALT + 0216
plus/minus is: ALT + 0177
1/4 stacked is: ALT + 0188
1/2 stacked is: ALT + 0189
3/4 stacked is: ALT + 0190

I have to copy from character map for 1/8, 3/8 & 5/8 stacked

One thing I noticed, Revit doesn't make me type the '0' in the ALT-code...so you can just type ALT + 176 for the degree symbol.

David Haynes
2005-12-01, 11:36 PM
How about the Character Map. Start>Programs>System Tools>Character Ma?. I don't need to remember those darn ALT+0176 thing. Screen Capture attached.

2005-12-01, 11:57 PM
Revit should have a button that lauches the charmap will you are editing text...

2005-12-02, 02:14 AM
We have a legend in our template that just has text for all the funky characters people need so they can copy and paste when they can't remember the codes (codes are there too)

2005-12-02, 04:38 AM
This is something that I would personally like. Maybe this thread could actually be moved to the wishlist ?