View Full Version : Issuing phased sets?

2006-09-22, 06:02 PM
I'm wondering how everyone deals with issuing sets of CD's for different phases of construction. Since Revit has this spiffy feature of being able to have various phases on which different model elements can reside, what do you do when you want to issue a set of drawings from one phase, and then later from a following phase? If you're keeping it all in one file (which is the point of having phases anyway), and I want to issue a set of drawings that has my floor plan on A200, what then do I do when the next phase comes around and I also want that phase's new floor plan to also be on an A200 sheet?

And then also what about the title in the titleblock? Our titleblock information is all tied to the Settings > Project Info dialog box, so how would I change the title block for phase 2 drawings to say Phase 2, but still keep my Phase 1 drawings saying Phase 1, if it's all contained within the same file?

I'd like to hear what other people do, what your office standards are, etc.

2006-09-23, 01:47 AM
We print to PDF then issue those and save in a folder. We then keep on working on the model from there on.

Graham Briggs
2006-09-23, 01:58 AM

It might be possible to add project parameters to the Project Title, Sheet Title, and Sheet Number which would change with the phase. Those parameter (maybe just one) would probably not be tied to Revit's phases, but would be like the Issue Date parameter, manually changed, but reflected on all sheets at any given stage.

You might want to tie your annotations (text notes, and tags) to phases, if possible. That way you could have the "current" notes, etc. show up as black, while the previous ones were "half toned".

Just a couple of thoughts... I don't currently have a need for that functionality. I just keep the project [archived] at various stages, and change the filename [slightly] to reflect the progress.

Have a good weekend,

Kevin Janik
2006-09-25, 03:42 PM
When we do multi phase jobs, many times we add a lowere case letter after each A on our sheet number so that no drawings in any phased set has the same number (i.e. Aa0.01, Ab8.01). For construction this helps so that you know exactly what drawing package you are talking about and what drawing without confusing drawings from one phase with another which can happen.


2006-09-25, 04:12 PM
When we do multi phase jobs, many times we add a lower case letter after each A on our sheet number so that no drawings in any phased set has the same number (i.e. Aa0.01, Ab8.01). For construction this helps so that you know exactly what drawing package you are talking about and what drawing without confusing drawings from one phase with another which can happen.


We're doing somethign similar. We have 1A2.0, AND 2A2.0 for phases 1 and 2 respectively. We're not thrilled about it, but its what we have to deal with.

The part thats kicking us, is inside the same model, we're also doing fitout drawings for indivudual spaces within the larger commerical building. We separate all of these drawing sets using Volumes, which works fine. But again, because we cannot use sheet A2.0 more than once, we end up with sheet name "3X23 A2.0" for Space 3X23, floor plan. Its not all bad, because in the title block we can get it on 2 lines... But man, having a sheet number 8 characters long really effs up your section and elevation markers.... :/

Dhurt, what happens if you need to issue a revision to a phae 1 drawing after youve already started working on phase 2?