View Full Version : Partial demolition

Mike Sealander
2006-09-22, 08:42 PM
Is it possible to partially demolish a roof, say a roof by extrusion, in one fell swoop? It doesn't appear the "slice" tool works in this application. I'm doing an addition that involves cutting a hole in a mansard roof.

2006-09-23, 01:52 AM
I suggest you copy the roof in the exact same place then demolish one

2006-09-24, 05:55 PM
The split tool in Revit was meant singularly for wall elements and linework of any kind. Example of linework is any tool that allows the use of lines (model or detail) in the sketching or drawing of linework. So the split tool is neither intended nor can be used to split other elements or components.

There is several other split tools in Revit, such as split face (used with paint tool), split level (plan region tool), split region command (found in the wall tool structure for splitting layers or regions in section views of wall structure) and split surface (topographic surface tool)

Otherwise as Daniel recommended; copy or duplicate the extruded roof and shorten each segment to align end to end at the place were one sections needs to be demolished. Use the join geometry tool to remove the seam line at the connecting juncture and use the demolish tool in a future phase to demolish the section to be removed. Create three views to represent the existing or phase prior to demolition showing the entire roof, the demolition phase showing the roof segment to remain and the roof segment to be demolished and the future phase showing the original remaining segment of the roof remaining and the new roof of the future phase.

Mike Sealander
2006-09-25, 12:20 PM
Thanks. While not the solution I was hoping for, I appreciate your input.

Mike Sealander
2006-09-25, 03:37 PM
I figured it out. Revit is sooo cool.
I took my roof, made a generic void extrusion, and cut the roof with the extrusion while in a "demo" phase. The portion cut ends up getting treated like a demolished object. It's there in Existing, and not there in New.

I only wish the documentation were better.

2006-09-25, 08:12 PM
A modeling tutorial is always a good addition to our library on Revit. Most of us has been using pencils for so long we forget how to use our Exacto knives.

2006-09-25, 08:55 PM
I figured it out. Revit is sooo cool.
I took my roof, made a generic void extrusion, and cut the roof with the extrusion while in a "demo" phase. The portion cut ends up getting treated like a demolished object. It's there in Existing, and not there in New.

We tried using a generic void as a demo tool too. We can't seem to get the lines of the cut section where the roof and void meet to show even with the linework tool (unless we put the void in the same phase as the roof). Reminds me of trying to use generic model openings to demo openings in an existing wall... as soon as phases are applied the linework between the openings and solids disappears.