View Full Version : A new way to Crash Revit

2006-09-23, 03:13 PM
Thought I'd pass this on. Will test for repeatablity later, (got to get this project done).

I had a software program from an equipment supplier (which I did purchase) that had an expiration date on the program based on a calendar date. I need equipment information off of the CD, so I backdated the computer, but did not reboot. Installed software, and retrieved data, and continued to work in Revit 9.1.

Somewhere in the trying to save a new family, Revit crashed completely, to the point of no registration. Not sure if 9.1 was ever updated to my registration (pretty sure it was) anyway, restarting Revit got an error that system date would not work.

Changed date back, Revit started but wanted to register, but registration will not work (as Adesk is updating server) Forturnately, I have 9 days (Revit tells me) to register. Anyway all is working now, but kind of a strange error. Watch your system date with Revit 9.1 - will try to follow up on crash later.

Also - can not file a tech request as subscription server is undergoing an upgrade. Now that I think about it, its due to the free trial period offered by Revit. No backdating allowed. Surprised it wiped the registration though...

2006-09-23, 07:58 PM
I did this one my workstation and hung revit up. Now on the laptop I did the same thing so that the prints would come out with the needed date and it did not affect it all!