View Full Version : Project Browser Organization

2006-09-25, 02:41 PM
I am on Revit 9 and trying to start a standard detail library. I have set up 3 project parameters to sort my details (Division, Section, Sub-Section). I would like to have the option in some divisions not to sort to Section and Sub-Section, I just want the detail under the division folder. But now that I have created the parameters It looks like I have to sort by all 3. See attached file, I would like the " 0 Detail Mods 30X42" to be sorted under the "Division 01.." folder not the other 2 folders "???". Is this possible or am I stuck sorting by all 3 parameters? Or the other option have a different Revit file for all the Divisions. I hope my question makes sense, any help would be greatly appreciated!


2006-09-25, 05:53 PM
When you setup your browser window you can determine which parameters you want to sort and group by. You can add any or all if you want. You cannot however setup a view in which you turn on or off one of the three, you will need to setup 3 separate views.