View Full Version : Sloping Slabs - meeting topo surface
2006-09-26, 12:11 AM
Need some sugggestions on how to deal with a sloping slab area
Ok - Revit really needs improvement in two areas in my mind -
1 dealing with all the site stuff - carparking slabs, kerbs, landscape etc - i'm drawing this stuff all the time. Of course carparking slabs need to have various slopes -
2 Ramped slabs - can't we please have a slab that you edit similar to the toposurface - but you can give it a depth. my carparking slabs are never only 1 way sloped.
see example - i have carparking on sloping ground that continues up the slope and then over a basement - so suspended conc slab - so i cant use the topo.
Please help
2006-09-26, 02:48 AM
Just an idea (haven't tried it):
Could you put a surface pattern on the slab, export to DWG, (maybe mess with it in ACAD), import it and use some of its bottom to make topo points?
2006-09-26, 04:13 AM
I think I'd set the slab slope as needed and then set the topo to match... to do that add points along the floor slab as necessary - you might need to identify the locations relative to something first - it may not be a perfect match but it's the closet I think you're going to get (I hate dealing with site plans for exactly this sort of thing) - Luck!
2006-09-26, 02:14 PM
I really hate site plans mysel....just thought I'd throw that in there...sorry no help.:?
I quit doing complicated sites in 3D Revit. I just do the stuff I need to site the houses and do all the roads and driveways in 2d Revit. You just waste way too much time dreaming up workarounds in Revit. I think I might actually start doing the sites in Vectorworks as it does Roads in 3d.
2007-12-13, 01:01 AM
I have to share this one. I have been strugling with site issues since version 8.1. Here is my solution for creating a toposurface for under-slab conditions. Duplicate the slabe after it has been sloped and modified, offset the slab down by the thickness of the slab. Call the new floor slab Earth. Make the Earth Slab 10' (you preference) change the slabe material to Site - Earth and make it a Finish (4) material. This way you can now join geometry to stem walls and footings with the concrete footings and walls showing through the Earth. It's still a lot of work but it is easier then other methods and you can minipulate it like you would a floor.
Hope this helps.
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