View Full Version : Show window sill in plan view existing phase wall

2006-09-26, 05:16 PM
I'm either not seeing the sill (or the wall below for that matter), or getting just a dashed line.
The window works fine for a new phase wall.

What am I missing? See attached window rfa file.

2006-09-26, 05:43 PM
You have the visibility of the frame extrusion turned off in "Plan/RCP" views and "When Cut in Plan/RCP". If you put a checkmark in these boxes, it should solve the problem.

2006-09-27, 07:17 PM
Because I don't want to see the frame in plan/rcp.
This does not explain why I see the sill line in NEW but not EXISTING.

Justin Marchiel
2006-09-27, 07:43 PM
does it have something to do with your visibilty of phases? I inserted your window just as you show and i get the dashed lines. check to see that your phase filter is set to include showing demo (overridden to be hidden).

Does this solve the problem?


2006-09-27, 07:55 PM
We are seeing this too with our windows. Maybe it's a bug in 9.0/9.1 Change the wall to a bearing wall and the problem is fixed.

2006-09-27, 08:08 PM
Looks like you have to change the Wall Function for all your exterior walls to Foundation or Revit will always default to a Non-Bearing wall when you try to place them.

2006-09-27, 08:23 PM
Have you tried to draw Symbolic lines (type Projection) in your Rfa to represent the sill/wall and Show only if instance is cut checked in the Visibility settings ?

Edit: This way the Symbolic Lines show up on top of your Phasing Graphic override settings.

2006-09-28, 09:34 PM
Yah, I've added the symbolic lines, but the light weights are different for new and existing.
I'd like to adjust the new sill lines to be lighter, but they are "automatically" created and changing the weight in the Object style or elsewhere has no effect.

2006-09-29, 09:19 PM
I wonder if the issue relates to different phases of window and wall.

Here is my 'wild' guess. If you post purged model it will be easier to investigate.

Revit creates 'infilling' wall in the phase when window does not exist, and automatically 'joins geometry' of the infilling wall and wall with window. This might cleanup edges below the cut plane which otherwise will be shown (edges below cut plane get cleaned even if infilling wall is not shown in a view). After changing wall to bearing with infill remaining not-bearing, edges do not clean.

You can go to section view in phase when window do not exist and 'unjoin geometry' of infill and wall, but then you will need to linework 'hidden' unwanted edges between them in every view.

2006-10-31, 08:58 PM
I have read the replies to the previous question and still have a problem with having a sill show up in plan view. I have a window above another window and the upper window's sill is not showing. Without the window below the sill shows. I went through the visibility options and could not fix it. Do I have to draw a line or did I miss something?


Brian Myers
2007-01-18, 08:57 PM
This is a Phase issue for certain. If the Window is New Construction the sill vanishes, but if you change that same window to Existing the Sills will come back. I'm still uncertain as to the difference between the sills in the two phases.

2007-01-23, 03:00 AM
What am I missing? See attached window rfa file.
Have you filed a support request on this? I filed a few things based on display problems between phases after I was sure I was not crazy or missing something simple. There are work-arounds for your particular issue (many noted herein) but all have their own problems. I have seen the same thing and will file a request as well but it helps not to be a lone voice in the wilderness. Phasing is great but there are a few quirky problems. Check out what happens to symbolic lines in a family between phases if you want to go really nuts looking for problems that are not there.