View Full Version : Room Names disappear on import

2006-09-26, 09:21 PM
I have a project that I want to show the adjoining building. What I have done is set up a site drawing and imported the rvt files into it.

One of the buildings show the room name and the other one drops the room name and the associated space.... it actually shows part of the room space of the 1st building.

How do I fix this?

2006-09-26, 10:02 PM
In visibility graphics check the settings for the linked file. You need to specify which view to show in order for the room tags to appear. You also need to pay attention to other things too like phasing, but this is a start.

2006-09-26, 11:45 PM
Thanks Steve - I got one of the views to show the names... still struggling with the other view... I know I'll figure it out one of these days but I need it for the morning meeting!

I am trying all of the combonations usingthe Revit Link Tab in VP... Seems only one of them responds to the changes - Each file is listed... I have switch from Host to View on both files - only one of them changes... I tried custom the info does nto show up... I did get to see all of the Room Spaces properly... but the room names (or other info) just does noot want to display at all.

Any Ideas?

Also can you guys look at my print view problem?

2006-09-27, 01:20 AM
Did you try Reloading the linked file in Manage Links.