View Full Version : Reference planes in linked projects always print?

2006-09-27, 12:02 AM
I am having a printing problem and want to know if this is a limitation of Revit or if I am doing something wrong.

In the print settings dialog, we have the option to check "hide ref/work planes". This normally works fine (reference planes do not print when I check this box). However, when I linked a project (it's a second tower on the same site) into my main project, I cannot disable visibility of the ref-planes in the linked project using the print settings dialog. My main project ref-planes do not print but my linked project ref-planes DO print.

I wish this print dialog setting were global, so that it would hide ALL reference planes in the main project and the linked projects. My work-around has been to turn off visibility of the linked reference planes in each view, but this is an annoyance.

Any suggestions?

2006-09-27, 01:38 AM
I am not sure what's happening, but have you made sure those are ref planes not ref lines with modified line type?

2006-09-27, 10:41 PM
Thanks Firmso, but they are definitely reference planes. Has anyone else noticed this problem when linking projects? Thanks