View Full Version : Copy/Paste Details Problems

2006-09-27, 02:37 PM
I have drawn several details using detail components and I'm trying to copy/paste them into our typical detail file. These details are all from the same file. 90% of the time there's no problems. However, some don't want to paste, I get a error box that says Can't Paste, or something like that.

Sometimes if I filter the dimensions from my selection set they will copy/paste fine. Then, other times I hit paste and literary nothing happens, nothing inserts not even a error message. It seems that it's having problems with the detail components, b/c if I filter detail components and dimensions then it will paste in fine.

I've also tried saving it to a file and then using the insert from file command, but I get the same error box or nothing inserts in. Has anyone experience this?


2006-09-27, 03:37 PM
What version are you using? Can you post an example of one of the details that will not paste? Have you tried the save view command with your details? Right click on the view and "Save to new file"

2006-09-27, 04:04 PM
Version 9. Here is an example that I tried using the Save To File command. It also doesn't work when I try copy/paste. Thanks.

2006-09-27, 07:12 PM
Sometimes when I copy paste details they get shot way out into the distance because the 0,0 are not the same between the detail file and the .rvt file...

try right-click> zoom-to-fit>

2006-09-27, 07:24 PM
I wish that was the case, unfortunately that's not the problem. Thanks.

Sometimes when I copy paste details they get shot way out into the distance because the 0,0 are not the same between the detail file and the .rvt file...

try right-click> zoom-to-fit>

2006-09-27, 07:29 PM
Version 9. Here is an example that I tried using the Save To File command. It also doesn't work when I try copy/paste. Thanks.
I would look at how the detail items were created. It appears they have some rotation or origin problems as they are jumping around when exporting or cutting or pasting. It also appears that there is something with your text items that is causing them to rotate as well.
I assume there are no model objects in this file?

2006-09-27, 07:53 PM
I can't recreate that. I didn't do anything weird, I used OOTB detail components.

Yeah no model objects. I wanted these to be used as typical details that never get changed.

I ended up copy/paste everything a few pieces at a time. I had to recreate a couple of dimensions, but I got it to work this way.

Thanks for your help.

I would look at how the detail items were created. It appears they have some rotation or origin problems as they are jumping around when exporting or cutting or pasting. It also appears that there is something with your text items that is causing them to rotate as well.
I assume there are no model objects in this file?