View Full Version : Does anybody use the recent input list on the right click menu?

2006-09-28, 10:21 AM
Does anybody use the recent input list on the right click menu? I've just started to use it more and more but it would be nice if acad would remember the list between sessions or start with a common list of commands upon opening. Otherwise its kind of useless when you first start autocad.

2006-09-28, 02:55 PM
Does anybody use the recent input list on the right click menu? I've just started to use it more and more but it would be nice if acad would remember the list between sessions or start with a common list of commands upon opening. Otherwise its kind of useless when you first start autocad.Sounds like a wish list item to me.

I do use this feature on occasion, when I know what the last few commands were.

Ed Jobe
2006-09-28, 04:21 PM
You mean like...keep track of the commands you use and show the top 10 most frequently used? You could do that with vba.

2006-09-28, 04:26 PM
You mean like...keep track of the commands you use and show the top 10 most frequently used? You could do that with vba.

Hmmm sort of. Whats already there is good but the list is emptied every time you close acad where as it would be nice if it was retained between sessions. I'm not very clued up with vba.

Ed Jobe
2006-09-28, 04:37 PM
I don't have time to work on it now, but you could still submit it as to the wishlist. Be sure to be clear on what you want.