View Full Version : Room Data Sheet in REVIT + Access

Chirag Mistry
2006-09-28, 06:05 PM
Tradionally we have been creating room data sheet (RDS) in excel with an image grabbed from AutoCAD. I was trying to push revit to achieve smart RDS completely done in revit. Eventually, I ended up using Revit to input all the information and Access as a tool to generate the report.

Thought I will share with everyone and get their opinion/comments,

The way I did this was with the help of shared parameters in revit. Here is a brief description of the steps,

-Create the needed shared parameters in Revit (example: special lighting, wall finish, etc.,)
-Embed these parameters in the room object.
-Create room schedules in Revit to show entry for these parameters.
(see revit room schedule.gif)

-Enter information in this schedule
-Export to access using ODBC
-Generate a report with the information from revit in access
(see Access room data.gif)

Finally the drawing sheet is printed from Revit and report for that room from Access.
There are some limitations to this system. But, I think this is still a better way of doing RDS than what was currently done in excel. I have also attached an example of the final product. (see example.pdf)
I think I have just barely scratched the surface of what can be done for the RDS.

2006-09-28, 06:54 PM
I wrote something similar using PHP & MySQL, accessed via a Web browser.

It starts with data read by the application from comma-delimited files which are exports from Revit schedules. They are free-form and can have any information as long as the first column is the room number and the second column is the room name.


My idea is to use it for FM or CA but it could be modified to make an output like chiragmistry's and just add images to each room's report until done.

2009-05-29, 10:59 AM
What is the latest on Room Data Sheet from Revit?
We are researching on ways to create Room Data sheet from Revit and came across this tread. The method that Chirag described sounds really good.

Can someone please shade more lights on this subject?
What are the currect practice for RDS etc?

Thanks in anticipation of your help.


2009-12-17, 03:29 PM
I have come across this thread and thought find out what is the latest on this one?
We are still struglling to get RDS from Revit. I read in one thread here that you can have a room tag family structured in a way that shows all parameters values in table format. but how can you include 3D image into RDs and also if you have a multipage RDS, how can you create out of Revit? Is there any third party Revit extension for this?

thanks in anticipation.

2009-12-18, 06:08 AM
Based on the suggestions in this thread, we have recently developed a Room Data Sheet system that uses a combination of shared parameters (about 40 of them), a room tag on steroids and an 11x17 title block that when put together works pretty well. See attached for an in progress room data sheet.

A couple of drawbacks to this method :

1) shared parameters do not work with Key Schedules, so you (or your interns) often get stuck inputting repetitive information. PLEASE AutodDesk, fix this soon !

2) as these are live plan views and room tags, if your building design is shifting around, it makes it quite difficult to maintain proper formatting of the sheets (as the viewport w/ tag and sheet window must be manually aligned prior to printing) (this would work much better if we were dealing with guideplate rooms as opposed to live rooms in the real building, but such is the reality of compressed schedules.

3) this requires lots of cut and pasting of consultant data into the project field, but we use room schedules to facilitate this - so its not too bad.

BUT - despite these drawbacks, having all this data live in the project is a HUGE benifit. The room data sheets are for example driving room finish drawings, program deviation reports etc. all perfectly synced.

Another slick option to look into - is Onuma Planning Systems. http://onuma.com/products/OnumaPlanningSystem.php

They have a proprietary system that links Revit to an outside database (file maker pro, i believe) that uses Project Parameters (not shared parameters) to transfer data back and forth between the data base (where you would create your Room Data Sheets w/ Room Data - and Revit where that same data is embedded in the room objects. One AMAZING aspect to their system is that the Data Base can be published - and opened for data input online - so you can facilitate your consultants / users / whoever inputting directly to the Data Base -> directly to Revit. Also, because it uses only Project Parameters, key schedules work saving you much time.

Worth checking out.

Thanks to all who have added to this thread. EXTREMELY helpful.

2009-12-18, 06:10 AM
AND - would like to encurage others to share their Room Data Sheet methods and output.

Cheers -

2009-12-18, 11:47 AM

Many Thanks for sharing this. This is very useful. Yes, we are also developing something similar. I will upload our development shortly. You are right about shared parameters. AUTODESK, Please fix this. It will be a a huge help.

It would be helpful to see some other examples too.

Thanks in anticipation

2009-12-19, 09:07 AM
I have been trying to use the RDB Link tool from Autodesk to generate Room Data Sheets but it seams like it does not export shared parameters.

We need to export our revit models to ODBC and have different disciplines update the database but we want that information to go back to the Revit Models.

File/Export/ODBC... exports the shared parameters but I can not import it back to the model if it is not exported with RDB Link.

Anybody tried that?

2010-01-14, 06:51 PM
We need to export our revit models to ODBC and have different disciplines update the database but we want that information to go back to the Revit Models.

Hey Anthony -

Check out Onuma Planning Systems http://onuma.com/products/OnumaPlanningSystem.php

Their system does exactly what you are asking for. Creates a 2 way link between Revit and an external data base that is accessible online for consultants / owners / etc. to do their own data input which is - via the link - placed into the Revit room objects.

2010-03-30, 06:10 AM
We have managed to do a fair bit in Revit of late although Autocad is our staple.


Replicates the drawn data in an online database to share amongst other consultants, clients etc. Have also mananged to get data back into the Revit Model.

2012-01-06, 05:24 PM
whats the latest progress on exporting RDS from REVIT and Vice versa (if RDS is an excel file / DB file).

2012-01-06, 05:31 PM
I use BIMLink from Ideate Inc. to push data in and out of Revit.

2013-03-15, 12:53 PM

Since it has been several years since your post on Revit and RDS - are you still using Onuma Planning System and was the image you posted on 12/09/09 from that system?


2013-03-19, 02:55 AM
I have been developing our RDS to use the ODBC export from Revit. One of the issue that I have run into is that the ODBC created DB seems to report the area of the room in SQ Meters vs. SQ Feet. How have you guys gotten around this? Do you just convert it in Access or are you doing something in Revit?

2013-03-23, 03:30 PM
Have a look at software like , CodeBook, dRofus and Roombook for Revit.
All designed to report information like this. All very simple to use as well.

2013-03-27, 08:05 PM
I know this is a bit 'old fashioned' and one wayed, but I would probably just report the schedule into a txt file, open in Excell and make the table side of the examples seen here look better. Then insert some images exported from a revit view and call it a day...

I would want the 2 way thing don't get me wrong, or at least a one way update to the excell file, which honestally I'm not fully sure how to do, but the report would look more professional. I guess it just depends on what flavor you want...