View Full Version : Tool palette list doesn't display properly when anchored or docked

2006-09-28, 09:19 PM
Is there a way to get 2007 to show the list of tool palettes on the screen when the tool palette is anchored or docked?

The tool palette list is always generated down from the lower corner of the tool palette window. The only way I can see the list is if make the window float, move it to the top of the display then shrink it down by dragging the bottom of the window up.

2006-10-02, 03:07 PM
Ok. I got in this morning and now the palette list displays properly, like it did in 2006. If the lower left corner of the tool palette is near the bottom of the screen the list is generated upward.

Has anyone else had the problem I described in my first post? The list was being generated down so it would project below the bottom of the screen and was not visible.