View Full Version : Shadow Studies

2004-06-17, 12:35 PM
I have to do some shadow studies for a housing project and am debating as to whether to do it in Revit or Archicad. I can build up the model quite easily in Revit but am not sure if I can do the shadow studies as easily as I can in Archicad which allows me to choose sun angles & azimuths for different countries at different times. Any help & comments would be appreciated. Thank you.

Martin P
2004-06-17, 12:42 PM
its all in the render settings country,time etc... you u can even make the plants reflect the season if you wish.....

2004-06-17, 12:58 PM
thanks for the prompt reply - found it!

2004-06-17, 05:16 PM
shadow studies are a piece of cake in Revit
here is an example

2004-06-17, 05:21 PM
those look pretty good jwilhelm. All those done in Revit? Im sure you have posted them before, but I would like a better look at some of those shots.

on a side note, has anyone ever talked about getting a sun animation tool in revit? It would be killer to be able to hit a button, and watch the shadows change on any given day from any given view.

even something really generic, wouldnt have to be a hi res deal.

2004-06-17, 05:39 PM
sure those are straight out of Revit
just dropped the images into Illustrator
and walla! I have a bunch of images of this building
perhaps I will post a bunch in the rendering section
when I get a chance, there are a few nice ones