View Full Version : Is there a variable for "recalling last vector entered" in Autocad 2007

2006-10-02, 09:04 AM
Hi there,

A question from a French user of AutoCad 2007over on Français (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=74) forum

In previous versions one was able to ‘recall’ the last command-line entry by using the ‘up arrow’ key to find exactly what one typed. Now all though it still returns the command-line, the values entered are given as X,Y, Z co-ordinates and no longer just a simple vector. Surely there is a system variable to change back to the original setting of previous versions, but which variable I cannot find. (Despite a few hours searching.)

Thank you,Thanks for any enlightenment you can give.

2006-10-02, 09:57 AM
Me again,

I really must learn to do a quick forum search, before posting.:Oops:
It'd save me answering my own question like this : check out this thread- RE: Command Line Repeat Values (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=204285#post204285)

2006-10-03, 02:16 AM
Me again,

I really must learn to do a quick forum search, before posting.:Oops:
It'd save me answering my own question like this : check out this thread- RE: Command Line Repeat Values (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=204285#post204285)
hehe. Thanks for posting back that you'd found the answer. :mrgreen:

2006-10-03, 08:54 AM
hehe. Thanks for posting back that you'd found the answer. :mrgreen:Hi Melanie,
No problem; by the way check out this post on the French forum, we've got a more detailed answer than is available in English. [Na-na-ne-na-na...:lol: )

Tom Beauford
2006-10-03, 12:16 PM
Hi Melanie,
No problem; by the way check out this post on the French forum, we've got a more detailed answer than is available in English. [Na-na-ne-na-na...:lol: )It comes up in French. How do you see it in English?

2006-10-03, 01:27 PM
It comes up in French. How do you see it in English?

You can always try using google translate (the below obviously has a few errors but you get the gist - I haven't edited it)

In fact each figure determines a behavior of the history of seizure. If you wish to cumulate these behaviors, you enter as value the correpondant sum of the figures to the behaviors which you wish. 0 - give the old behavior 1 - allows the posting of the last values of the points seized in the zone text and a infobulle. that activates also the mode of choice by Low the Haut arrows of the keyboard. 2 - the history of the preceding orders in the contextual menu posts (right click - recent seizure) when one is in order: 4 - posts the list of the last points used (by pointing or seizure) in the contextual menu (right click - recent seizure) when one is in an order and that AutoCAD awaits a point. 8 - posts a small symbol with the screen on the position of the point of the history. if you enter for example 9 (8+1): you active posting in the zone text and the run by the arrows and the posting of the points with lécran. But you will not have lists in the drop-down menu. if you enter 11 (8+1+2) you active the same options, but moreover, you will have the list of your preceding orders in the contextual menu. if you enter only 4, you will have only the list of the points in the contextual menu. but you have also the 0 instead of the 1, you will have the old mode on the line of order.

2006-10-09, 06:22 PM
You can always try using google translate (the below obviously has a few errors but you get the gist - I haven't edited it).Whoa,
I could do a pay per translation thingy. (Only kidding, Melanie ;) )