View Full Version : Why is this beam visible??

2006-10-02, 02:18 PM
I have a tube steel beam at 8'-6" above my floor level. For some reason it's visible in my floor plan, even though my view range is set to 0 for the bottom, 7'-6" for the top, and the cut plane is at 4'-0". This makes no sense??

2006-10-02, 02:29 PM
I assume that you've cut a section to double check that the beam is in fact where you think it is.

I have had some experiences like this and what is generally the case is that there is some element in the family, possibly only a reference plane, that is extending down and intersecting with one of your view planes for that view. Open up the Family file and see what seems out of place.

Hope this helps.

2006-10-02, 02:40 PM
It's just the factory-supplied square tube steel framing component. It is at the correct height in elevation.

hmm I just noticed that the Analyitical Projection Plane in the beam's properties was set to Level 1. I changed it to Top of Beam and it disappeared from the floor plan view. So I guess that was it.

2006-10-02, 05:06 PM
Happens in ours too. We set all of our Analytical projection planes to TO Stl for that reason...

2006-10-02, 10:54 PM
Is there a way to make it do that by default, for all horizontally-oriented beam members?

2006-10-02, 11:10 PM
I dont believe there is a default, but I could be wrong...