View Full Version : Hole Created in Beam Family

Phil Palmer
2003-06-13, 11:59 AM
Can anyone point me in the direction of how to create a hold in the web of a standard Revit beam family - i.e. UBEAM
I am sure I have done this in the past with an in-place void ? ?

Is this possible ?

2003-06-13, 05:45 PM

Yes, a void cutting the steel will be your best solution.

Is this a service opening or are you talking about a perforated beam - like a castellated beam? I don't think it is something that you can get into the family though I might be wrong.


Phil Palmer
2003-06-16, 08:20 AM
Its just a hole within the steel web for services etc.
I cant seem to get the void to cut through the standard beams though
Maybe I am doing something wrong ?
Have you had any luck on creating it ?

2003-06-16, 11:28 AM

Try this. A ready cut family, obviously if you want more cuts you would need to make a different family.

I had a play around with a void cutting the UB this is based on and it doesn't seem to want to play ball when it is inside a project - maybe this is a hard coded thing within Revit


Phil Palmer
2003-06-16, 11:52 AM
Thanks Pete,

I though I would be able to do this 'inside project' with an in-place void but it seems that we are both getting the same problem.

I really need to be able to do this with the standard Revit structural library rather than creating 'speciic' beam families.

Thanks anyway