View Full Version : Window - Circular Chain error problem

2006-10-02, 08:31 PM
I can't seem to figure this one out, and I can't find anything similar in these groups!
I'm trying to insert a window into a wall on the first floor. I haven't had any problems doing so until now. Now, I get a "circular chain of reference" error every time I do.

(the attached image is on the second floor) When I try "show", the only highlighted elements shown in any view are the wall I'm trying to insert the window into, and a wall on the second floor perpendicular to it. The perpendicular wall is not joined ("disallow join") to the exterior wall, the exterior wall where I'm trying to insert the window is a stacked wall, and there's an opening in it across the stairway. I've checked the window height & level, and there's no conflict with a ceiling. But why any of these would cause this problem, I don't know; maybe it's something else?

Anyone have any ideas?

2006-10-03, 11:38 AM
Try selecting either of the walls that highlight in the error message, then cut and paste in same place the wall. That will usually break the constraint.

2006-10-03, 03:43 PM
Although I still don't understand exactly what the problem was, that did it! Thanks!