View Full Version : 2 Day Crunch

2004-06-17, 04:30 PM
This is one of the project that I promised you guys a while back. Autodesk used it in one of their presentations. . .at least that’s why they asked for it. I saw the PowerPoint version when they were done. Maybe some of you saw it. . .that would be cool.

A bit of info on the project.

I did this at my last firm. Cathexes Architecture in Reno Nevada. My boss came to us and gave us a proposition, but what it came down to was I need you all to work this whole weekend. . . .like 48hrs if we could. . .really. . . .Anyway, there were 2 design teams, and I was on team B.

So these are a product that started with blank paper, and sketches, and got to this point in less than 48 hours. The design still has a long way to go, and these images don't do my old firm justice. If you don’t believe me check their web-site. Good design group if you need someone from the northern Nevada area. www.cathexes.com

It's not as finished as my other posts, but some of the ideas, views, and the tension structures I though were not to shabby. . . .with more time I could have made them much better.

2004-06-17, 05:43 PM
Interesting stuff, and good for two days work. Did you use a topo surface for the rnet? or is it modelled in some other way?

2004-06-17, 09:19 PM
did you have to go back into the office on monday? Really, really good stuff for only 48 hrs., including design. Good job!

2004-06-17, 09:51 PM
Interesting stuff, and good for two days work. Did you use a topo surface for the rnet? or is it modelled in some other way?

yeah, topo

did you have to go back into the office on monday? Really, really good stuff for only 48 hrs., including design. Good job!

yeah, the deal was that it was our choice and up to us. . .had nothing to do with the office directly. It wasnt bad. . .a few beers and pizzas, and by the end of each night we all got along pretty well.

2004-06-18, 01:53 AM
Looks good! As long as it was rewarding one way or another.