View Full Version : Special characters and symbols

2003-06-13, 05:25 PM
Occasionally you will need to include characters in your text that does not appear on your keyboard; eg. ±, °, ©. To do this, you will need to access the character map of your font. Go to the Start button, select Run, enter charmap, and select Ok. Then you can select any symbol that exists for your font and copy/paste it into your text object. A number of these symbols also include short cuts, so if there is a symbol you use often and it has a short cut you can avoid opening the character map to use it. For example the short cut for ± is <ALT>0177 (hold the <ALT> key and type 0177).

2003-06-13, 05:45 PM
Note: The operating system uses different internal codes for the numbers across the top of the keyboard and the numbers on the numeric keypad. In order for the ASCII codes to be properly recognized you must use the numeric keypad to enter the digits

P.S. Chris, some very interesting and timely quotes lately in your posts.

2003-06-13, 07:43 PM
I guess I'm outta luck since my laptop doesn't have a numerical keypad.

2003-06-13, 07:56 PM

Here is an idea. If you have MS Word you can insert a symbol ( In MS Word select insert / symbol ) and then copy/paste into revit.

2003-06-16, 10:28 PM
Previous message removed by sender on the basis that he didn't read the entire thread and posted redundant information and feels stupid now :oops:

2003-06-16, 10:37 PM
Nice new look JSK...are you the front man for a punk group now? I tried a punk band once, was too demanding in the image department. :D Now it's just jeans and a tee shirt band for me.

2003-06-17, 11:07 AM
Hey, the onscreen keyboard works too I guess. :wink:

2003-06-17, 11:43 AM
Do I hear Cliif Richard playing in the background jkendersky?

jacob chavez
2003-07-30, 05:32 AM
I love this idea....Very helpful. Often times I need a degrees symbol, or an on center symbol. They're all there.

So, I'm trying the Unicode format (using alt + unicode number) and it won't seem to work. For instance when I pull up charmap and go to Arial font, the symbol for "on center" is 0424. (at the bottom of the charmap application it says "U+0424 Cryllic Capital Letter Ef" I suppose this means its unicode format is 0424. But try it, alt+0424 yields a square. Give it a try.

Any ideas why?


Henry D
2003-07-30, 02:37 PM
Yeah, I couldn't get it to work either, but what you can do instead of typing in the ALT + plus a series of numbers is to just click on the symbol you want and drag it into your text box. I just dragged this in Ф.

2003-07-30, 04:05 PM
I love this idea....Very helpful. Often times I need a degrees symbol, or an on center symbol. They're all there.

So, I'm trying the Unicode format (using alt + unicode number) and it won't seem to work. For instance when I pull up charmap and go to Arial font, the symbol for "on center" is 0424. (at the bottom of the charmap application it says "U+0424 Cryllic Capital Letter Ef" I suppose this means its unicode format is 0424. But try it, alt+0424 yields a square. Give it a try.

Any ideas why?


At the bottom RIGHT shows keystroke. Example "±" shows U+00B1: Plus Minus Sign at the LEFT and Keystroke: ALt+0177 at the RIGHT.

That should do it.

Until Revit supports these signs we could put together a simple list of the most often used signs. What signs do you use most often?

I am using Arial and here is a start...
Degree "°" alt + 0176
Plus Minus "±" alt + 0177
Diameter "Ø" alt + 0216

Henry D
2003-07-30, 05:06 PM
For this particular symbol Ф down on the right side it doesn't give a keystroke option Alt+ ....

One symbol I use a lot is the diameter symbol Ø

2003-07-30, 05:43 PM
What version of Windows are you using? I recently upgraded from Win 98 to Win 2000 and the character map pop up display has changed. It no longer displays the ASCII codes, just Unicode. Another Microsoft "improvement" I guess.

2003-07-30, 05:54 PM
I am using XP pro. I have attached an image of my charactor map.

Henry D
2003-07-30, 06:01 PM
I have XP Pro with the latest updates here's an image of my chart, as you can see there is no keystroke option for this symbol.

2003-07-30, 06:09 PM
I did a little more poking around. It appears to be symbol dependent. Some don't appear to have ASCII codes attached to them. If there is an ASCII code it does appear just like in Jim's screeen shot but otherwise you get nothing like in Henry's screen shot. I don't know if the font creator did not include the codes in the font definitions or if they do not exist for some symbols or some other mystical reason. Doesn't seem to be any pattern.

2003-07-30, 09:47 PM
Understood, not all of the symbols have a keystroke code. I don't know what to tell you on that particular symbol.

Excuse the ignorance, what do you use that symbol for?

jacob chavez
2003-07-31, 03:10 AM
Yeah, it doesn't look like there's a keystroke for this symbol. I use this symbol for "on center" ie. 2x4 studwall 16" Ф. Guess it's the copy and paste method. Unless anyone has any other ideas.

Thanks everyone,


2003-07-31, 06:26 AM
Isn't that more appropriate for "diameter" than "O.C."?

jacob chavez
2003-07-31, 06:41 AM
Is that what it's used for? Heh, guess I'm looking pretty green, eh? Since I started here, we just use O.C. and that seems pretty standard, but I thought there was a symbol for it too. Is there?

Anyway, charmap is definatley a handy tool. I'm sure I'll find that it will come in handy from time to time.


2003-07-31, 06:56 AM
I think you will find that O.C. is the common abbreviation for On Center, as in '2x4 Studs @ 16" O.C.' and the Ф symbol is usually diameter, as in '8"Ф Steel Pipe'

No need to be green :mrgreen: or any other color for that matter...different offices do things differently and as long as your abbreviations note says what symbol means what, you are okay.

2004-06-03, 03:01 PM
Has anyone found a centerline symbol (i.e. the C and the L overlapping) in any of the fonts using this method, or will I just have to make an annotation symbol family for this? (Ugh!)

Wes Macaulay
2004-06-03, 03:11 PM
Actually, hadens - there already is one under the Annotations folder whereever you're storing your Revit content -- look for Centerline.rfa

Ooh - had a look at it... better off making a Symbol family and putting the overlapping C and L in there. File > New > Annotation Symbol

Hope this helps!

2004-06-03, 03:21 PM
Yea, Revit comes wtih the CL symbol, which I've used, but it is often niced to have the symbol show up in the middle of a note.

I could have sworn there was one in the Character Map, but I can't find it now.


(WOW, who blasted my reputation rating? Must have ticked someone off... )

Henry D
2004-06-03, 04:07 PM

I am jealous ...I want to get more red marks than you have cause those are the only kind I'll ever be able to get...

For what it's worth I don't like this reputation feature at all... the previous Zoog forum had no fear factor or hierarchy associated to it. Now members are tagged and rated with a "reputation" which in my opinion creates an unfriendly environment.

2005-01-05, 12:42 PM
Hello, I have just recently joined this Forum. I have completed a search for "centerline symbol" and found these posts. However I have not seen the answer I am looking for. It seems that I am not the only one that has been wondering about the text symbol for centerline with the c and l overlapping. I know it was available in Autocad a few years ago...maybe as far back Autocad 12. Of all the text features, this one is probably most commonly used in my business yet for some reason they did away with it. Think there is any chance they will return it in the upcoming versions....or has anyone found this symbol yet?? I did notice a post that suggested making a symbol in text attributes...if all else fails maybe I will try this. If Anyone finds this please post!! Thanks!!

Scott D Davis
2005-01-05, 06:11 PM
Are you looking for the symbol in AutoCAD or Revit? Revit has the CL symbol, and will automatically apply it to centerline dimensions if you'd like.

2005-01-05, 06:56 PM
I think the problem is placing a centreline symbol in a text note. A company called TC Fonts produces a font that has a unicode symbol for centreline, but I don't know if there is one that is freely available.

2005-01-05, 10:31 PM

Is this what you are looking for ? Its set from Settings > Annotations > Dimensions > Linear.

2005-01-08, 09:20 AM
Replying a little late to this post but this is good news for me. Havn't been around the forums in awhile so I'm catchin up on a lot of great stuff.

Thanks for this one guys.

2005-01-08, 10:31 AM
Has anyone found a centerline symbol (i.e. the C and the L overlapping) in any of the fonts using this method, or will I just have to make an annotation symbol family for this? (Ugh!)
I have created this C.L. text in the Arxtek font that I use for all my drawings is this what you are asking for.

2012-09-20, 02:25 PM
Extreamly late response, but I just figured this out. "\U+2104" should provide you with the overlaping C and L centerline symbol in autocad text.

Hello, I have just recently joined this Forum. I have completed a search for "centerline symbol" and found these posts. However I have not seen the answer I am looking for. It seems that I am not the only one that has been wondering about the text symbol for centerline with the c and l overlapping. I know it was available in Autocad a few years ago...maybe as far back Autocad 12. Of all the text features, this one is probably most commonly used in my business yet for some reason they did away with it. Think there is any chance they will return it in the upcoming versions....or has anyone found this symbol yet?? I did notice a post that suggested making a symbol in text attributes...if all else fails maybe I will try this. If Anyone finds this please post!! Thanks!!