View Full Version : Autodesk products - Known Issues, Bug Fixes, Updates...

2006-10-03, 08:51 PM
Can't wait to get my hands on them! But what I find really annoying (and this keeps coming up), is the lack of documentation on build releases. I know factory is busy, everyone is, but someone must know whats been fixed, changed etc. I still haven't rolled out 9.1 because I don't know if the following 'known issue' has been fixed.

Manage Links in a Workshared Project

Currently, in a workshared project, any actions (Import, Reload From, etc) in the Manage Links dialog will be reverted and lost when anyone else Saves to Central. To accomplish these Manage Links actions: 1) have everyone Save to Central, Relinquish, and exit; 2) have one person make the Manage Link changes; 3) have everyone make new local files.
While I can see the benefits of this in terms of controlling which files are updated and when. It becomes a huge management issue when working on a joint venture with multiple buildings (20+) where the common file format is DWG. Each building has a minimum 5 DWGs imported / linked.

Currently, the only answer is download, install and try. I can think of better ways of spending my time... training, support, research. All for the sake of a small text document.
We are told there are now over 100,000 copies of Revit worldwide, if only 10% of these are fully working, that still represents a huge time investment by managers and companies everywhere.

Autodesk - if you are listening, please ensure your customers are provided with this information.



Wes Macaulay
2006-10-03, 09:40 PM
Well, if it's any consolation, we're using the 20060928_2300 build and I have a linked DWG which I repathed, then got someone else to STC, then I did a STC -- no problem. Where did you get that info from?

2006-10-03, 10:02 PM

Where is this new build? I've seen two references to it now but it is not present at the Autodesk Revit site(s). Was it pulled? Is it only available to a select audience prior to wider release? It isn't available via subscription site either?

2006-10-03, 10:08 PM

Where is this new build? I've seen two references to it now but it is not present at the Autodesk Revit site(s). Was it pulled? Is it only available to a select audience prior to wider release? It isn't available via subscription site either?Steve -

I used the link provided at the pinned post regarding the current build. I just checked it and the file appears to be available (we're using Revit Series, so I did not check the other current link).

Wes Macaulay
2006-10-03, 10:11 PM
I don't know how the labrynthine web site of Autodesk works -- all I have is a direct link that was given to me by someone from Autodesk in response to the revision schedule bug (and that's what I posted).

2006-10-03, 10:18 PM
Where did you get that info from?Hi Wes,

Known issues pdf on install CD for Revit 9.1, but just for you, here it is...

2006-10-03, 10:21 PM
This is working for me....




Wes Macaulay
2006-10-04, 02:39 AM
I suspect the Factory is going to be releasing a build in the soon-coming future to address all these issues. The link Guy has in his post above hasn't been released to the web yet through Autodesk's website, so that tells me there may be a newer build in the works that addresses those and other issues the Factory is working on at present.

2006-10-04, 02:54 AM
there may be a newer build in the works that addresses those and other issues the Factory is working on at present.

Come on Wes :-) Is that from the Factory or not? Are you saying we shouldn't install? To late for me. Fixed the problem with revision schedules in titleblocks I was having in the CD-ROM build.


Wes Macaulay
2006-10-04, 02:58 AM
I'm sure it's fine to install. My understanding is that builds get a certain amount of testing before they are released publicly. I'd expect to see a new build actually posted soon. I don't have confirmation from the Factory that a new build is to be posted soon; that just seems to happen on its own ;-)

2006-10-04, 02:59 AM
Dang! Downloaded thismorning - maybe I'll wait a few more days

2006-10-04, 03:00 AM
and I have no confirmation from the Factory about any of this; I'm just speculating!


Alex Page
2006-10-04, 04:29 AM
A bug not noticed on that list is printing to a Hp Designjet 1050 series printer..in raster mode it crashes the servers print spooler so one has to print to pdf first, the print from pdf to the Designjet