View Full Version : Visible First Floor Perimeter in Basement Plan

2006-10-04, 03:04 PM
I am working on a project with a partial basement. In the basement plan, I would like to show the outline of the first floor dashed in, along with that levels columns and bearing walls. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this? I've tried adjusting the top of the view range, but all that will show up is a couple of windows from the first floor. Thanks for your help.


2006-10-04, 03:22 PM
You can trace the outline of the floor with detail lines. Use the pick tool & lock. Cut/paste to your basement plan.

You could probably copy the floor's sketch lines, too. Paste into basement view and change line types.

2006-10-04, 03:58 PM
I would change the underlay setting so that you see the first floor, then use the linework tool to change the visibility of the floor slab edges in your basement view. Then turn the underlay off. This way the visibility of the slab edges will be persistent, and will adjust when you change the slab.

Drafting lines are 2D elements, and tend to slow things up, whenever possible make use of your modeled elements.


2006-10-04, 05:09 PM
Thanks, my project manager will be happy since he's been asking me to do this for about a month now. I didn't realize that you could use the linework tool on underlays. It looks like that is going to work out exactly as I needed.

2006-10-05, 12:11 AM
I would change the underlay setting so that you see the first floor, then use the linework tool to change the visibility of the floor slab edges in your basement view. Then turn the underlay off. This way the visibility of the slab edges will be persistent, and will adjust when you change the slab.

Excellent tip -- who would'a thunk it? I just used it today, thanks.

Caveat: The category that those linework-appearing-underlay lines came from must remain on in your view.