View Full Version : express menu dialog boxes

2004-06-17, 07:54 PM
I am having a problem with the Express menu.:x

For some reason none of the associated dialog boxes will load/show

when I activate an express command. All other Autocad doalog boxes

work fine.:?

I have looked at 'FILEDIA' and it is set to one. I have reviewed other

system variables but maybe I just have not found the right one yet.

I even reloaded Express just to see if it would overwrite any setting

that might have somehow become initiated that also may have disabled all

of the Express dialog boxes.

Any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks.

2004-06-17, 08:37 PM
what about cmddia??

2004-06-17, 09:00 PM
cmddia was set to 0

That was it Mike!!
thanks alot

I dont care what everybody says about you.... your the man :wink: