View Full Version : structural beams within walls

2006-10-04, 03:33 PM
If I have a beam inside a wall (running parallel to and inside the wall), and then I have other beams coming in perpendicular to the beam, it always gives me that warning about how the beam is attaching to a non-structural element (the wall) and the beam ends up attaching to the wall (and overlaps the beam inside the wall). I don't want it to do that! I want to trim the end of the beam to the beam inside the wall. Is there not a way to make a beam NOT attach to a wall?

This is very frustrating! :banghead:

2006-10-04, 03:50 PM
Run into the same problem, never found a good solution. You could try changing the wall's height, so that the beam won't interact with the wall, and therefore has no choice to interact with the beam, however I suspect you will continue to have problems once you fix the wall's height, though if you don't move anything you might be ok.

I'm very curious to see if anyone else has suggustions or fixes.


2006-10-04, 07:14 PM
Can't do that, the wall runs up well above the beam as a parapet wall.

I also find it frustrating that I can't change the beam's reference level from within the beam's properties. Once you draw it, it's locked on that level. I mirrored a beam to the other side of the building and now I need it to reference a different level, but I can't, so it looks like mirroring won't work at all, and I have to just redraw the whole thing again. :mad:

2006-10-04, 07:31 PM
You can in 9.1

2006-10-04, 07:32 PM

I've had this problem for months. I tried so many things, but no luck.
Nowadays I use generic models as structural framing. It's the only way I can get the structure to look as it should.
However I do not use Revit Structures, so generic models work for me.

Steve Mintz
2006-10-09, 06:11 PM
The problem is that beams which frame into the girder, attach to the wall instead, yes?

If that's the case, here are the two workarounds I've used (Note that I am in Revit Structure, which may have a different behavior):

A) In plan, hide the wall. Click the beam end; drag it away from the wall, and then back to the beam. Check in the lower left corner that it reads something like "Perpendicular and W12x50".

B) Place the wall in a different workset than the beam. Turn that workset off, and do something similar to (A).

C) Designate the wall as "Non-bearing". In a structural discipline view, the wall will not be visible. Place your beams in this view. They should attach to the girder instead of the wall.

2006-10-09, 06:16 PM
The problem is that beams which frame into the girder, attach to the wall instead, yes?

If that's the case, here are the two workarounds I've used (Note that I am in Revit Structure, which may have a different behavior):

A) In plan, hide the wall. Click the beam end; drag it away from the wall, and then back to the beam. Check in the lower left corner that it reads something like "Perpendicular and W12x50".

B) Place the wall in a different workset than the beam. Turn that workset off, and do something similar to (A).

C) Designate the wall as "Non-bearing". In a structural discipline view, the wall will not be visible. Place your beams in this view. They should attach to the girder instead of the wall.
Similiar idea to what I tried to poorly convey earlier. However, even when taking all sorts of measures to end up the same result, I have found that quite often the beams like to revert back to the walls instead of staying attached to other beams/girders, when something moves or changes. It like if structural elements see a wall, even if it is set to non-bearing, they just like to attached to the walls first, and not other structural elements, I wish there were either a lock, like when ceating families, or somesort of tolerance/preference that you could set. Similiar to how you can tell dimensions to go for wall cores or faces first, and then you have to tab to your other choices, but they never "jump hosts".
