View Full Version : Keynote by SHEET

2006-10-05, 03:55 PM
Hi everyone,
How do I go about doing "Keynotes" By Sheet?

It seems like when I try to do that, the tags go blank. Some help here will be greatly appreciated.

2006-10-05, 04:00 PM
Ah, dumb question, are there keynotes assinged to the objects you're attempting to keynote?


2006-10-05, 04:20 PM
No Keynotes Assigned to the elements. I want my keynotes to appear in Sequence such as; 01,02,03,04,05 and so on on "each sheet"....Is this possible?

2006-10-05, 04:24 PM
Hmm, maybe a moment of clearification is good here. I assumed you were trying to use the keynote tool.

If you are, then keynotes are assinged to objects based on a keynote table, installed by default under the library directory (imperial/metric)

Each keynote has a unique number identifier, however there is an option to number keynotes by sheet versus project. You can then create a keynote table (another type of schedule) by which you can display your keynotes as a table on your sheet(s).


2006-10-05, 05:44 PM
Each keynote has a unique number identifier, however there is an option to number keynotes by sheet versus project. You can then create a keynote table (another type of schedule) by which you can display your keynotes as a table on your sheet(s).

A little "How To" would be much appreciated here. Please shed some light.

2006-10-05, 06:16 PM
Settings menu > Keynotes > Numbering Method: Choose "By Sheet"

Revit will take over the numbering of each item as you tag them in views. Revit will also create a new keynote schedule for each instance placed on sheets and append the word "Internal" and a unique number so it can keep track of the different numbering.

2006-10-05, 06:22 PM
So Steve answered while I was still busy answering, bum ;). I've done it to him so oh well, :). Maybe together our answers will help you out.

If you are, then keynotes are assinged to objects based on a keynote table, installed by default under the library directory (imperial/metric)

Each keynote has a unique number identifier, however there is an option to number keynotes by sheet versus project. You can then create a keynote table (another type of schedule) by which you can display your keynotes as a table on your sheet(s).Keynote settings are found under settings -->keynoting

This is where you can choose to number by sheet or project, and which table you want to use.

The keynoting tool is located under "drafting". There are three options, tag by element, material or user defined. In the first two cases the element or material has to have a keynote assigned by the object/materia's properties. This is a default parameter for all families and materials. You asign a keynote by picking one from the table. (the table can be edited, however it is huge!). By user allows you to simple pick a note from the table and place the tag.

The keynote tool uses keynote tags, there are several default ones in the libraries, you can always create your own custom ones. My understanding, as I've only done limited testing is that the tag can either display the keynote number, or the actual note itself. If you are numbering by sheet, I'm not totally sure how that works, you'll have to experiment. The only two tags I've used either displayed the keynote text, or the note number (which is not the same as the numbering in the project/sheet) that is based on standard 16 division CSI format.

You may want to review the help section on keynoting.


2006-10-05, 07:52 PM
Wow!! I got it..... Thanks. You guys Rock!!

2006-10-05, 07:54 PM
No Keynotes Assigned to the elements. I want my keynotes to appear in Sequence such as; 01,02,03,04,05 and so on on "each sheet"....Is this possible?

Wait, are you asking about using keynotes with a note block, instead of having actual notes cluttering the drawings?

I would also like to do this by sheet, because we typically do keynotes (a simple circle with a number) in various places on our plans, ceiling plans, and roof plans, instead of having actual text notes all over the drawing. I've always used a keynote annotation, which falls under the Symbol tool. And then of course I have to come up with different numbering systems for each set of notes on the floor plan, ceiling plan, roof plan, etc. and filter out what I don't want for each note block.

So on my floor plan I'll do a 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. On my roof plan I'll do R1, R2, R3, R4, etc. because for some reason I can't filter the note block by Type, it has to be filtered by Keynote Number. For demolition plan notes I'll do D1, D2, D3, etc.

If I could just do it by sheet, or even by view, that would be great. I would like it better if I could just have a 1, 2, 3, 4, showing in the keynotes for every different view, and a note block legend for that view. So my plan would have a series of notes numbered 1 through whatever, but then my roof plan would also have notes numbered 1 through whatever, etc.

2006-10-05, 08:06 PM
Wait, are you asking about using keynotes with a note block, instead of having actual notes cluttering the drawings?
The keynote tool (new in 9.x) lets you do this. However unlike the key notes that I think you're reffering to, think of this more like the typical notes you would have in a section to callout materials, loose lintels, etc. Now each and every object is a assigned a note from a master table.

I would also like to do this by sheet, because we typically do keynotes (a simple circle with a number) in various places on our plans, ceiling plans, and roof plans, instead of having actual text notes all over the drawing. I've always used a keynote annotation, which falls under the Symbol tool. And then of course I have to come up with different numbering systems for each set of notes on the floor plan, ceiling plan, roof plan, etc. and filter out what I don't want for each note block.

So on my floor plan I'll do a 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. On my roof plan I'll do R1, R2, R3, R4, etc. because for some reason I can't filter the note block by Type, it has to be filtered by Keynote Number. For demolition plan notes I'll do D1, D2, D3, etc.

If I could just do it by sheet, or even by view, that would be great. I would like it better if I could just have a 1, 2, 3, 4, showing in the keynotes for every different view, and a note block legend for that view. So my plan would have a series of notes numbered 1 through whatever, but then my roof plan would also have notes numbered 1 through whatever, etc.
You can't do anything by view, unless you do it manually. The new keynote tool, as Steve said lets you number by sheet or project. If you had more of a general note, that isn't really tied to a particular object then you would have to stick with your old method. But as long as the note can be tied to an object then you can use the new keynote tool. I think for some the name "keynote tool" is a bit misleading from what a number of people are used to. Think of the keynote tool as a means to make sure all your drawing notes agree with the information in your specification. You can copy the keynote table for each project then modify it as needed to match the project specification (which if you're really good was originally derived from your Revit model via E-Specs :) ) This way, at the end of the day, you don't need to worry if the notes are correct, as long as the correct keynote is assigned to the object(s)/material(s).

2006-10-05, 08:13 PM
Yeah we use keynotes for things like in RCP, we might point to the bottom of a wall element between 2 LAT ceilings of different heights, and indicate the height of that small soffit. It's not an actual ceiling element, it's just the bottom of a wall above that might be 8'-11" if the adjacent ceiling is 9'-0". So I can't use a ceiling tag for that. Or I might just point to a particular area on the plan and say *whatever* needs to be here, or to indicate a paint color on one wall or another wall, etc. Or I might use a keynote on my roof plan and just point to the edge of a metal roof and call out some kind of trim, and maybe say see specs. That's our general use for plan keynotes. Sometimes they're tied to objects, but sometimes not.

2006-10-05, 08:17 PM
Don't forget though, the new tool can keynote materials, though I don't know if it would pick up a material applied with the paint bucket (that would be sweet because then you really could "paint" your walls) and be able to note it etc... Or have a wall type for each color ;). Yeah yeah, I get some crazy ideas sometimes, and no, I would never do that... (I think) :).


Scott D Davis
2006-10-05, 08:17 PM
If I could just do it by sheet, or even by view, that would be great. I would like it better if I could just have a 1, 2, 3, 4, showing in the keynotes for every different view, and a note block legend for that view. So my plan would have a series of notes numbered 1 through whatever, but then my roof plan would also have notes numbered 1 through whatever, etc.
Just dealt with this today. Yes you can keynote by sheet. Sheet A1 can have notes 1 to 10, and Sheet A2 can have its own set of 1 to 10.

Settings>Keynoting. Set the Numbering to "By Sheet'. In the properties of the Keynote Legend (actually a schedule, not a "legend", but thats how its named) in the Filter Tab, set the Keynotes to Filter by Sheet by checking the checkbox.

Go to Drafting on the Design Bar, pick Keynote>Element, and place a Keynote on an object. The dialog box with the lsit of keynotes from the Keynotes.TXT file will be displayed. Don't worry that you might be selecting something that is numbered 05105.A2 in this dialog box. Once you select the appropriate note, Revit will autoatically make the first note "1" on that view for that sheet, and the next "2" etc. If you get a few notes into it, and decide you don't need "2" and delete the keynote symbol, Revit renumbers all the keynotes for you, removing 2, and makes 3 into 2, etc.

2006-10-05, 08:22 PM
...that would be sweet because then you really could "paint" your walls...Atchally...it does tag painted surfaces...

2006-10-05, 09:52 PM
...I want my keynotes to appear in Sequence such as; 01,02,03,04,05 and so on on "...
I don't think it's possible to have a leading zero on Revit's keynotes. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

2006-10-05, 10:05 PM
...symbol, Revit renumbers all the keynotes for you, removing 2, and makes 3 into 2, etc.
Any way to arrange the keynote numbers by sheet manuallyhttp://forums.augi.com/images/icons/icon5.gif I'm afraid I'd have to delete them back to the number I'd like to change, then put all in again. (Move up/down keynotes -- a wish list item?)

The whole keynoting facility is slick but confining. It could be improved:

Quick search when selecting
Copy keynote tags ability
Keynote detail lines
Come to mind.

2006-10-06, 07:04 AM
I don't think it's possible to have a leading zero on Revit's keynotes. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

I guess I can live without those "0". We don't use it anyway. I typed them without thinking.

2007-01-24, 01:01 AM
On the note of keynoting.....I have my keynotes set to 'By Sheet'. This has worked pretty well. One problem I have with it is that if you move something, take a keynote away, delete a view from a sheet etc., during a revision or whatever, Revit will change all the numbers on the sheet, so your sheet sets could be different from one to another as you develop your plans or if you make revisions that may affect this. I don't know if it's anything to not use the tool for, but something to think about.

Just today I wanted to try something different, being I wanted to number my keynotes by project and see how that worked. I anticipated this working like as you place keynotes, revit would tally them 1,2,3 etc., but they would carry that number with them on whatever sheet they were on. but I just realized that's not the case. If you choose 'project', it uses the number from the keynote database. I don't particularly like this because it is a long, erroneous number that #1, doesn't fit in my kenote box, and #2, it confuses some guys because it looks like it should tie back into some kind of spec, and on most of my projects, I don't have a spec book. So I guess these are the only two options. Not really a question here, just an observation. Has anybody else wanted to do it like this?


2007-02-08, 04:25 AM
I follow the by sheet / by project settings, and I see the result. What tools do you edit your keynote.txt in? Word? Notepad? Anyone know where I can get a Masterformat 2006 keynote.txt file?

I think I would like to have a combination of the by sheet and by project methods for some general construction notes. How about a By Sheet Note Block for general sheet notes that are not component specific? Are there any other schedules that can be sorted by sheet.?

2007-06-05, 09:07 PM
Wait, are you asking about using keynotes with a note block, instead of having actual notes cluttering the drawings?

I would also like to do this by sheet, because we typically do keynotes (a simple circle with a number) in various places on our plans, ceiling plans, and roof plans, instead of having actual text notes all over the drawing. I've always used a keynote annotation, which falls under the Symbol tool. And then of course I have to come up with different numbering systems for each set of notes on the floor plan, ceiling plan, roof plan, etc. and filter out what I don't want for each note block.

So on my floor plan I'll do a 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. On my roof plan I'll do R1, R2, R3, R4, etc. because for some reason I can't filter the note block by Type, it has to be filtered by Keynote Number. For demolition plan notes I'll do D1, D2, D3, etc.

If I could just do it by sheet, or even by view, that would be great. I would like it better if I could just have a 1, 2, 3, 4, showing in the keynotes for every different view, and a note block legend for that view. So my plan would have a series of notes numbered 1 through whatever, but then my roof plan would also have notes numbered 1 through whatever, etc.

I believe you can do just as you want using keynotes. In your case, the keynotes may not be taken from "element" or from "material". There is also a "user" option under keynotes that allows you to place a kenote from the kenote data but not tie it to an object or material. This may be the method that works for you, and then keynote by sheet to get Revit to automatically number your keys.

2009-12-10, 05:16 PM
There is also a "user" option under keynotes that allows you to place a kenote from the kenote data but not tie it to an object or material.

Could someone tell me how this works. No matter what type of keynote I use (element, material, user), Revit still requires me to select something to generate the keynote. I cannot seem to just place a "user" keynote without selecting an object first.

Did I miss something?


2009-12-11, 03:53 PM
... No matter what type of keynote I use (element, material, user), Revit still requires me to select something to generate the keynote. I cannot seem to just place a "user" keynote without selecting an object first.

Did I miss something?
You can make a tiny or invisible-line family as a workaround to point keynotes to "nothing". You are actually pointing to something, it just doesn't show up on the drawing.

2009-12-14, 08:13 AM
In using the "Keynote User" Option you need to select either a Revit 3d Object (say a wall) or a Revit Detail component. You cannot just "Keynote User" a line. Its a bit frustrating but you get used to it