View Full Version : Join Lines

2006-10-06, 03:46 AM
Is there a way to join Two lines To make one continuous line

2006-10-06, 12:24 PM
Curious, what is your exact situation? Can you post a screen shot? There is no way to join lines in the same way you might in a 2D Cad app as for the most part Revit really doesn't deal with or like lines, we've got them for drafting, but if you think about it they're pretty basic....


2006-10-06, 12:59 PM
Is there a way to join Two lines To make one continuous line
The join line command in the later releases of AutoCAD is really handy and when I first moved to Revit I searched high and low for the Revit equivalent. I could not find one then, and after seeing your post and having another look in the User Manual, I still can't find one.

I am assuming you are applying AutoCAD drawing concepts to Revit like I did. I was given advice that if you learn to use the drafting tools Revit provides then you will find it is fairly well covered. I have found this advice to be correct. I also find I do not have a need for a join line tool anymore.

Hope that helps in some way,

2006-10-06, 01:44 PM
I am also curious what the purpose is for this join line command in AutoCAD?

2006-10-06, 02:01 PM
The purpose is to join lines together so that they are continuous. If you want to offset, for instance, an outline of something you have to go around and select each line using whatever selection method is convenient. If they are 1 line it is way easier. With Revit you have to "hope" that the tab will select the lines you want. It would be nice to be able to create a line that is a continuous, but I'm sure we can get along without it.

2006-10-06, 02:43 PM
oh, you mean turn separate lines into a single polyline? Yeah there's no such thing as a polyline in Revit. Oh well, I seem to do fine without it. :)

Steve Mintz
2006-10-09, 10:10 PM
You can't join lines in that manner, but you can press TAB while hovering over a line to select its chain. I believe that will help you in the specific situation you've mentioned.

2006-10-09, 11:35 PM
I am also curious what the purpose is for this join line command in AutoCAD?
Showing my age here... Loved this when it was first incorporated into the OVERKILL command. Joins end-to-end lines, joins co-linear lines-on-lines and removes extra vertices in polylines - still a favorite when fixing old drawings or exploded ADT stuff. Still use this occasionally when exporting Revit views for consultants. Not essential, just a nice thing to do and only takes a few moments. Whether I bother depends on my mood at the time and how much I like the consultant. :)