View Full Version : Site walls on and off?

2006-10-06, 02:27 PM
I do a lot of projects where the site walls are a big part of the project and I'm wondering what the method is for turning on and off "site walls" especially in elevation. I would like to create building elevations with and without walls. Typically, the plans are anything but orthagonal and there is no way I'm aware of to move the elevation line into a position that would just show the building elevation without cuuting through and seeing the site walls.

thanks for any suggestions

2006-10-06, 02:30 PM
If the walls are Walls and not some other custom Category that you can turn off then you'll have to go with Worksets for this.

Worksets... they're not just for teams anymore...

2006-10-06, 02:32 PM
You'll want to look at using filters. They're great for this!

2006-10-06, 04:32 PM

I havn't done worksets yet but I'm planning on doing that in the next few weeks and I'll have to do a tutorial or something on filters.


2006-10-09, 03:39 PM
Put them into a design option, then turn the option on/off as you wish in any view.

I do a lot of projects where the site walls are a big part of the project and I'm wondering what the method is for turning on and off "site walls" especially in elevation. I would like to create building elevations with and without walls. Typically, the plans are anything but orthagonal and there is no way I'm aware of to move the elevation line into a position that would just show the building elevation without cuuting through and seeing the site walls.

thanks for any suggestions

2006-10-10, 12:41 AM
I think filter will be a lot easier to setup and so easy to re-use from view to view.

Graham Briggs
2006-10-10, 07:01 AM
I agree with Daniel...

Worksets should be reserved for their namesake (i.e., subdividing the work).
Filters are intended for visibility aspects, onscreen or in print. The trick is to find something unique about your site walls, the easiest variables are their type name and their description.

So, until the factory lets us sub-categorize system categories....


2006-10-10, 12:07 PM
You can easily add a shared parameter for filtering purpose

2006-10-10, 02:13 PM
You can make an item unique just by putting a word into the "comment" field and filtering for that. Very easy.


2006-10-10, 05:55 PM
Another aspect of your question regarded the ability to alter elevation cutting planes. Have you tried using sections as elevations? You can then split and jog the cutting planes