View Full Version : Streamlining Design Options

2006-10-09, 09:13 AM
This may be using the program in a way it wasn't intended to be used but here goes:

I would like to get a design option and make it part of the main model - no primary or secondary or setting visibility graphics to suit, just a main model. After that the intention is to delete the unused options.

The scenario is: several design options were produced and like most of my customers, they liked most of a particular design but want to alter it slightly. From here I do not see the point of design options as the design is now pretty much set and it is a matter of tinkering at the edges. The rationale behind this is I find design options a pain in the neck - turning them on and off etc.

Also, part of my method is to duplicate the Revit File as I proceed along the stages of design, contract docs etc so there is a still a record of design options - just not in the current file(model).


2006-10-09, 12:36 PM
This is not a silly request :)
how about just selecting the elements one wants, right click for an option to add to a "design set" create new or add to already existing, than it's a simple turn off or on, in a new tab in "visibillity/graphics" (?)

2006-10-09, 02:08 PM
Please try 'Accept Primary ...' on Design Options dialog box. It will move the primary option from chosen option set to main model and will delete the rest (secondary options in the same design option set).

2006-10-09, 11:55 PM
Well that is simple if you know what you are looking for. I will probably change my mind about Design Options being such a big pain the neck now.
