View Full Version : Install Error

2006-10-09, 03:31 PM
I downloaded 9.1 and installed it.
It works, but I can't get the ENUHelp.cab to download.

I get an error each time I load Revit.
I have my CD, but I couldn't get that one to work.

Any suggestions?

I get this error when trying to install...
The file '/download/9_1/ContentENU/ENUHelp.cab' could not be downloaded.
The server replied with error code 0.

I copied the file from the disk to the location above and it worked.

2006-10-10, 12:43 AM
You should install from CD (install all libraries) then run the installer you downloaded (latest build). Don't forget to check the not download content.
If that doesnt work, try redownloading the build.

2006-10-10, 02:47 PM
Even after 'un-checking' the option for downloading the files for web, it still tries to download the Help files.cab from the web and ends up with error message.

2006-10-10, 02:54 PM
It will always try to get the help file since this one has ususally been updated.
Contact Support about that Error 0. It might be only for your region.