View Full Version : Revit structural elements don't work like they should

2006-10-09, 05:02 PM
I didn't use structural elements (beams, cols) before and I wanted to find a reason to start. The reason is my last project. The problem is that I was surprised from the mess they cause sometimes.
For example:
1. COLUMN TEMPLATE :As I have said before it is very bad that we can't have a multilayer column element like we do for walls. Anyway, this is how it is in reality, right? Concrete, insulation, plaster.
I know there are some ways to do this ourselves but why do we have to find workarounds for such simple things? (Ok, now that I think of it, it is not so simple for every case but still...)
Another important reason for the existance of a multilayered column is that now, we can't add wall reveals because they don't continue in front of the column

2. COLUMNS,Thinking of the way we all work, I think you 'll agree that first we make the walls and then we place the columns. I think it is very bad that whithout using "join geometry" the column border disappears (architectural column). When I go to 3D view, I see that the wall volume is unchanged. This is wrong. On the other hand, I get nice results when using structural columns.

3. BEAMS: What about beams? What do most of you say? Do they work OK or do we
need some improvements? I read the wishlist and there are many requests on structural elements.I have many problems with beams, they seem to behave in a strange manner, as you can find in the attached image. I can't understand why this is happening.

4. WORKPLANE : As a request, I think we should be able to choose the level we would like to work with beams, the one they belong to, or the one over it... A solution to this is to work to the ceiling plan of the lower level.

2006-10-09, 05:30 PM
I believe your first issue is about Architectural columns, not Structural Columns. Columns are implemented as families. To get layers on standalone columns you would need to create appropriate extrusions visible in views with fine level of detail as assign different materials to each. Joined (geometry) to walls architectural columns assume layers from walls to which they are joined.

I agree that being able to assign layer structure at least for vertically extruded columns as well as allowing wall sweeps on them is good idea. But columns are not restricted to being vertically extruded, just to explain why such enhancement had not been done.

If you do not want your architectural columns to automatically 'join geometry' to walls, there is switch in the family editor.

Your shorten beam seems to be not right. Can you post simplified (purge unused) model? Thanks.

2006-10-09, 06:22 PM
Actually, this picture is the only thing I have because I accidentally erased the rvt file.
I'll send the next example. Thank you anyway...