View Full Version : AutoCAD 2007 - Custom fly-out toolbar not recognizing the toolbars associated with it

2006-10-09, 06:03 PM
I've done the search and most answers seem to point to palettes, so...

Original steps taken:
I have a MNS file last used in 2002.
Opened the CUI editor.
Clicked the transfer tab.
Opened my MNS file so that it created a CUI version.
Clicked the "Cancel" button
"cuiload" and loaded the CUI file.
Toolbars and menus loaded.

The one fly-out toolbar is not recognizing the toolbars associated to it.
The "Source toolbar" is listed correctly for all seven fly-outs.
But every time I click on one of the buttons I get:

No toolbar is associated with this flyout button.

Right-click on this button and select Customize
to associate a toolbar with this button.Steps taken to resolve:

I have removed to fly-outs, saved, closed, reopened editor, and re "drag-n-drop" the toolbars to the fly-out per help file. - did not work.
I rebuilt the CUI several times listed in "Original steps taken". - did not work
I erased the cui, rebuilt the source cui, transfered to a new cui, saved as a different name, loaded new cui - did not work
I'm at a loss. A different fly-out in a different partial is working just fine.
I just can't get this one to work.

2006-10-09, 06:57 PM

The toolbar was from LLPsite v2.0

I renamed all the toolbars to remove the "v2.0" listing and recreated.
Started a new toolbar, named it, and added a single command to it.
I removed all the alias names from the source toolbars except one
Did my drag-n-drop, applied, and ok'd.

I'm guessing it did not like the PERIOD in "v2.0"

2006-10-09, 07:14 PM
Thanks for posting back your solution!