View Full Version : Aligned dimension, if i pass 91 Degrees the text turns in opposite direction

2006-10-10, 06:47 AM

Is there a way to control the aligned dimension. If i pass the 91 degree the text turns opposite, and i have a situation where a wall is 90 degree and just below it turns to 95. The text on the dimension line is now opposite. See attached dwg where problem and wish is shown.

Thanks for your help...

2006-10-10, 09:03 AM

The position of the dimension text is not a problem. You just need to go to Dimension Style-> Modify and then go to the TEXT tab. If you change TEXT PLACEMENT-> Vertical to Outside (in your drawing it is set to JIS), the dim text will appear outside your dimension.

I am not quite sure though how to change the angle of the text. I will try some more things and will post back if I find something.


PS. I assume that you don't want to change rotation manually and also that you wouldn't prefer the dim text to be horizontal (am I right?). In case I am wrong, let me know and I will tell you how to do the above.

2006-10-10, 09:41 AM
Thanks for the reply, and its only the angle i have problem with, not the placement of the text in the dimension.

2006-10-10, 11:12 AM
rotate your ucs and use a linear dimension

2006-10-10, 11:35 AM
Thanks ccowgirl.

Ok its a workaround. I was locking for a Sys var or similar, but they must do the workaround.

2006-10-10, 12:22 PM
If you are interested in workarounds, then in my personal opinion, it is easier to highlight the dimension you wish to change, then go to properties and then change the rotation of the text. Obviously what Christopher suggested is an option too. I just find it easier to change the rotation through properties (personal opinion anyway)

Clarence Worley
2006-10-11, 01:21 PM
This goes back to drafting manually, you always placed text as if reading from bottom right to top left, likewise sections always look up and left.

If you have this problem because your model is rotated in its viewport, lock it, and rotate your UCS and dimension as normal.