View Full Version : Best Revit Tutorial!

2006-10-12, 09:43 PM
Can someone recommend our office best revit tutorial?
I wanna go and buy some after work~ :P

2006-10-12, 10:14 PM
Can someone recommend our office best revit tutorial?
I wanna go and buy some after work~ :P

Before go spending A LOAD of money, consider the tutorials Revit offers in the Help section... Those are some of the best tutorials around... created by the experts.

2006-10-13, 07:55 AM
Paul Aubin's Mastering Autodesk Revit Building; also Fox & Balding's Introducing & Implementing Autodesk Revit Building. Both @ Amazon.com.

Bill Maddox

2006-10-13, 08:09 AM
dgcad.com has a video download tutorial subscription that is worth every penny. In conjunction with that I suggest just using it on a live project that you have a little breathing room with.

the live project will give you goals to hit but tutorials will just be conceptual.

Brian Myers
2006-10-13, 01:07 PM
Seriously, the best tutorials as far as all the features Revit offers ARE the tutorials provided within Revit. The Paul Aubin book mentioned above is excellent and covers families better than the Revit tutorials. BUT there are a few topics (like massing) that are really not covered in that book... then again, its worth it for what you would do the majority of time in an office environment... I recommend it to most beginning Revit users as it covers all the day to day features well and descsribes WHY you are doing each step better than the revit tutorials do.

2006-10-14, 07:11 AM
To learn where things are and gain a basic understanding: the 'Getting Started' tutorial. Do it 3 times. 1st time doesn't make much sense, 2nd time is ok, 3rd time pretty much without the book and reasonably quickly.

To go one step further and pick up some good tips on the way:
I thought the video ATP 130 2 storey house lessons by dgcad were rather good. 32 video lessons. I don't know if they are available in the archive section of ATP yet. I did it twice to make sure i got it.

To go into a higher level of detail: the tutorials that come with Revit. If you do 'Getting Started' and ATP 130 first they actually make sense. If you do the shipped tutorials first they are quite difficult because they are so extensive.

I agree the families area is a bit light on in the shipped tutorials so then perhaps one of the books may be the way to go.

It really depends on what you are after. Also unsure if one resource is going to completely do it for you.
