View Full Version : Join Curtain Wall Panels

2006-10-13, 02:18 PM
After removing a mullion, is it possible to join panels?
We've tried unsucessfully.
The other approach was to change the storefront mullion maximum spacing then adding back vertical mullions.

2006-10-13, 02:39 PM
When working with curtain wall you can selectively delete portions of the grid line where you want a panel to span. Select the grid line, and several buttons should appear accross the top in the same pallette as the type selector. Use these to remove un-wanted to grid segements. When placing grids you also have several options as to wether you want to place a whole grid line, a single segement or several. Panels will automatiacally take care of themselves as you edit the grid lines. Though if you have more then one panel type you will have to check to make sure that you get the right type where you want it.


2006-10-13, 02:44 PM
In order to have mullions, you have to have a curtian grid line first. This is the break you see between panels. When you remove a mullion, you can remove this curtian grid line by highlighting the line, then clicking "Add or Remove Segments" button at the top of the screen. Then click on the segment of the curtian grd line you wish to remove. (The entire highlighted line will 'double-highlight' as dashed when you hover over it to remove a segment.) Result: the two adjacent wall panels will join.

When you hover over or highlight the curtian grid line in the future, it will appear dashed through the area it was removed.

The process is the same if you're joining curtian wall panels of different types. However, when you remove the curtian grid line, it appears as if the larger panel takes precedence and changes the entire joined area to its type. Always check the panel type after this process to make sure you've gotten what you were looking for.

I hope this answers your question. :)


2006-10-13, 09:17 PM
Thanks and not really.
We remove the grid and mullion, but the glass panels remain as two distinct entities meeting where the grid line was. I was hoping that they would join into a single object once the grid line and mullion were removed.

2006-10-13, 09:29 PM
Thanks and not really.
We remove the grid and mullion, but the glass panels remain as two distinct entities meeting where the grid line was. I was hoping that they would join into a single object once the grid line and mullion were removed.
They should. Period... I'm not sure what is going on that they aren't. The only thing that comes to my mind is that you had grid lines on top of grid lines. Can you copy the paste the offending wall to a blank file and post it?
