View Full Version : Property Lines Again.

2006-10-13, 04:02 PM
I use property lines a lot for describing easements, old property lines, and for setbacks. I just tried to filter out my setback property lines by setting their mark to "Setbacks" This is after the failed attempt to set up a separate parameter for them. I could set a new parameter, but couldn't access it in the its properties.

Needless to say I can't filter them.

The reason I choose to use them is because I can tag them and get a nice schedule that tells our Surveyor what we want to propose, and beyond a few minor rounding errors (relating to closure calculations) Revit has been dead on with describing the meets and bounds for our small in-fill / minor subdivision work.

Why do I have limitations with property lines? I'm working in 9.0 currently, but I don't think that 9.1 has this ability.

Why can't I phase property lines. Why can't I filter them? Why can't I set different line types or sub-categories? Why why why?

Or... Why don't I have the ability to describe a lines angle and length like I can when I tag a property line?

Perhaps someone knows of a work around or something I'm missing?

2006-10-13, 06:16 PM
If you set up a project parameter as a shared parameter, and choose property lines as the category, you should be able to filter them, using the shared parameter.

As for why they can't be phased, well, that's a good question, and wish list item. They should be phase-able.