View Full Version : Legend View Tag

2006-10-13, 05:05 PM
I can no longer edit the detail number for my legend view tags. Is this a bug in 9.1. When I place the view on a sheet, the detail number highlights red. I can only edit the view name. It does not appear to be a workset issue either.

I am using Build 20060810_2300

2006-10-18, 01:59 PM
This is what I found out from support. Apparently there were some conflicts with this feature in release 8.1.

"As you indicated on your previous email, in Revit Building 8.1, you were allowed to enter the view title number upon inserting a legend view into a sheet. Ironically, this was considered a problem with the program and was fixed in a later release, since legend views are designed to be place in several sheets, making the detail numbering irrelevant."

My response was how do you reference a legend view without having the detail number as a reference (ex. refer to detail xx on sheet A-201 for window types).

Support suggests typing over the tag in the sheet view using the text tool. When I start doing stuff like this, I feel I am reverting back to the AutoCAD mentality of drawing. Does anyone have a workaround for this?

I thought I could edit my view title family and add a text label parameter, but I am only presented with the defaults. It does not appear that I can add parameters to my view title family; shared or otherwise.

Justin Marchiel
2006-10-18, 03:25 PM
i think that the work around is adding the text over. i know that it doesn't feel right to fake something like this, but i find that it is not a super critical fake, and i can live with the workaround.

I have tried experiementing with have a text parameter (or override) in my tags, but so far no good. sorry i can't help out. my final parting words, pick your battles. REVIT is really good with most stuff, so i can live with a few down falls in simple items.


2006-12-06, 12:48 PM
I really feel this needs to be corrected to perform as it did in previous versions of the application. The work around from support goes against all of the things that I tell my people not to do. This is exactly how we lose control of a coordinated set of contract documents and open ourselves up for errors. The factory really needs to reconsider this problem.

2006-12-06, 01:42 PM
I guess I can see both points.

You can probably state your note as "REFER TO DOOR LEGEND ON A-201 FOR DOOR TYPES".

I'm assuming that inside Revit's brain there needs to be a singular view instance to reference. A view with multiple instances may give Revit some trouble.

I also think that it could work again if it worked before. Maybe you should as them what were the troubles that led them to change the functionality.

I think I just confused the issue.....I'll get back to work now...

2006-12-06, 02:07 PM
I just sent out an e-mail to the Revit development team to see what their response is..I will let you know what i find out.

2007-02-01, 03:05 PM
anything new on this? In version 9 we could enter the number on the sheet for a legend after placing it. Now that I have upgraded the project in 9.1, all of our legend views on sheets have lost their numbers. Typing over with text is not an acceptable workaround in my book because we often have to re-arrange things to make them fit on a sheet. And if you move a legend with a text number, the view title will move with the legend but the number will get left behind, and then you have to move that separately.

2007-02-01, 03:18 PM
The news i received from the factory is that it should be corrected in V10.0. sorry for the delay in responding.

2007-02-01, 03:21 PM
Would be nice if they would fix it in a forthcoming build of 9.1.

2007-02-01, 03:31 PM

You can probably state your note as "REFER TO DOOR LEGEND ON A-201 FOR DOOR TYPES".


Im against that as well. One of the minor things that (IMHO) makes Revit so great, is that it eliminates the necessity of going sheet to sheet and checking drawing callouts, section markers, and sheet numbers when something comes up at the eleventh hour and makes me have to add a drawing, and consequently, add a sheet somewhere in the set.

Having to put text on Legend numbers is very unfortunate, and typing unintelligent text notes calling out other drawings is as well.

We have people here wanting to put notes in sections that say "See 22/a2 for more information," and without a way to make that text update intelligently, it strangles you in to not being able to maximize Revits efficiency when you need to reorganize something downstream. I would hate to resort to that because we cant number a legend. :(

2007-02-09, 04:02 PM
Hi there,
A legend view is designed so that it can be put on multiple sheets, and thus if it has a view tag number (detail number or sheet number parameters) when placed on a sheet, it does create a confusion when multiple instances are placed on different sheets. It was a bug that it was enabled in the earlier releases, and the current behavior of Revit is trying to fix that problem.
However, we do realize that there is a need for the ability of defining a view tag number for the legend view when there is only one instance, and we at the factory have started research on this issue to try to come up with a real solution. Unfortunately, we don't have a solution in this upcoming new release yet but we are collecting the information you all have provided to take into consideration when trying to fix this issue.
Thank you all very much.

2007-02-09, 04:39 PM
While i understand that the solution is not ideal, it seems to me that the best solution short term is to put it back to the way it was, even if the multiple instance thing worries you.

While i normally agree with the purity in concept of working in Revit, the facts remain that many people need their legends to have numbers on sheets. Not having the capability to do that now isnt preventing us from doing it, its just forcing us to:

1. Draw text on sheet as the detail number (which is very unrevitlike)

2. Copy all elements in the legend view in to a drafting view, and then having to duplicate the drafting view if we need more than one. This is unfortunate.

I think legends are getting there, in terms of functionality... Maybe the solution is something like what happens if you use one elevation marker to put elevations on more than one sheet: You get a warning dialogue saying the callout cannot place a sheet number, since the detail occurs in more than one location. :::shrug::: But right now our partition schedule, our door type legend, etc, all have to be drafting views, because it is imperative that they have numbers on them... Preferably referencable numbers.

2007-02-09, 05:32 PM
2. Copy all elements in the legend view in to a drafting view, and then having to duplicate the drafting view if we need more than one. This is unfortunate.

You could create all of the elements in a drafting view and then create a detail group. Place this detail group in multiple drafting views. This way when you change one, they all change. (BandAid solution still...)

2007-02-09, 06:29 PM
Understood, and a good band aid, as you said. Its not that i worry about them updating, its more just that i dont want to bog down things with more views and more views, etc. I liken it to using an actual floor plan for a key plan on each sheet... Youd need an extra plan for each sheet, at a very small scale, when you could use a symbol and have one loaded for all of them. Its just a lot of extra (extra space, extra view, extra effort) to have to duplicate all the drafting views because we cant number legends.

2007-09-25, 06:53 PM
I am still having the same problem in Revit 2008. When placing my view title for legends, the detail number shows up as a question mark that you cannot edit. When I place a schedule, it has no view title at all.

I understand the rationale is that you can place legends on multiple sheets, and you cannot have multiple references. In most cases, you will only have place a legend once. If you do place it on multiple sheets, you will either reference it with text notes or it will act as a key for each sheet. In a true relational database, the unique identifier would be BOTH the detail number and the sheet.

The other problem I have, is that schedules don't show a view title at all. The workaround for that is a "dummy" view title created as a detail group. Another possibility is to create a drafting view with a small dot, reference line, or hidden line. Then place the empty drafting view with the schedule or the legend (with a blank view title assigned).

Both of these are workarounds and they defeat the entire purpose of Revit. Anything placed on a sheet should have a reference number - its not just for details (therefore the incorrect name of that field). Hopefully we shall see a change in 2009!!