View Full Version : Floor - Partial Demolition.

2003-06-16, 08:57 AM
Whats the best way to demolish part of a floor ?

>I don't think it can be split ?

>The sktech cannot be edited into separate components .

>Is it necessary to go back to the original and create it agin in 2 separate parts ?

Alternatively, a possible work around, would be to demolish it completely and then create a new floor to the outline required in the new phase. This would not work if the demolition stage was to be shown as a separate phase.

How is everyone handling this ?


2003-06-16, 11:20 AM
When I know just how much of the floor is to be demolished I copy the entire floor in its present location, then I select previous and change its phase to a future phase that can't be seen in the current view, edit the floor where it is so that links to walls are not lost and then bring the other floor back into the current phase and edit that to form the demolished area, again retaining its relationships with walls etc. and finally mark it as demolished at whatever point in time suits....

I can break that up further if its not clear.


2003-06-16, 01:19 PM
I thought you might be able to do it with the opening command. I tried it (floor in existing, cut opening in new const.) but openings have no properties and don't follow phase rules. What the he__ !

2003-06-16, 09:10 PM
When I know just how much of the floor is to be demolished I copy the entire floor in its present location, then I select previous and change its phase to a future phase that can't be seen in the current view, edit the floor where it is so that links to walls are not lost and then bring the other floor back into the current phase and edit that to form the demolished area, again retaining its relationships with walls etc. and finally mark it as demolished at whatever point in time suits....

I can break that up further if its not clear.


Thanks Peter,

Sounds convoluted, but I'll work through that today.


2003-06-17, 11:49 AM
I reread what I wrote and I'm not sure that it was that clear, let me know if you need more detail


2003-06-17, 09:08 PM
I reread what I wrote and I'm not sure that it was that clear, let me know if you need more detail



I think I've figured it out.

Maybe , when you get time, you could post the process on the tip forum ?


2009-11-24, 05:45 PM
Peter J can you please explain with a step by step process?
thank you

2009-11-24, 08:19 PM
For partial demolition of floors, I´ve build a floorbased family, which consist of nothing but a void, wich is controlled by instance parameters, so that the size of the void can be dragged to fit, when in the project.

Actually, just grab the attached if you feel like it :beer: