View Full Version : Temporary dimension size

2006-10-16, 11:28 PM
Is there anyway to increase the size of the temporary dimensions that show up when you select something? I have a huge screen, and for some reason the temp dims are unreadable. Regular dimensions work great but not the temp ones. When I select the temp dimension, I can edit the length just like normal and can read the text. When I finish, the dimension goes back to being realllllllly small.

2006-10-17, 03:39 PM
Sorry, no solution here, but the same problem.

We have many seats of Revit out there at our firm, all created from the same image... This is the first PC that I've run into this.

I checked the resolution - 1024 x 768 - very common. I even tried other resolutions with the same results.

I also logged into his machine as myself, so a new profile was created - no luck.
Could this be a windows setting? I went into window properties and tried bumping the text size up from 8 to 12 on a bunch of settings to no avail.

Maybe it's a video card thing...

Any suggestion would be appreciated!

Michelle Gibson
2006-10-17, 04:59 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe there is a text box at the top of the screen tool bars that show your temporary dimension. FYI, I've been on Revit for over a year and I just discovered this yesterday!

2006-10-17, 05:02 PM
I think you're refering to the Tape Measure tool, not temporary dimensions...

2006-10-17, 05:58 PM
No way to fix this. . . . .and its a video card / monitor issue. Not related to resolution in window/settings . . . .no other fix that I have found than to make sure you have the correct drivers for your screen, and then its just a coordination of card and screen from there. . . .kinda sucks.

2006-10-17, 06:38 PM
Thnx - I'll let you know if I have any luck...

2006-10-17, 07:11 PM
Thanks for the info everyone. I will try to download new drivers for my video card and see if it makes any difference.

2007-03-21, 09:01 PM
We had this same issue on one of our machines. To solve it, we increased the screen resolution and restarted Revit. It worked, but only after we closed out of Revit and started it up again.

2007-10-12, 07:02 AM
I think that I read that the temp dimensions visibility can be altered in R2008 - something about a text file in the 'Program File" - is this correct and if so how is it done:?: - or is it still a video card issue?

2007-10-12, 09:57 AM
Try this, it was posted in RA 2008 SP 2 release.Works great.

Support is currently in the process of creating a solution that explains how to modify the Revit.ini to adjust the size of the temporary dimensions. However, the following are the steps to do so:

Open Revit.ini file in Notepad. The file is typically located in C:\Program Files\Revit Architecture 2008\Program.
Add the following line to Revit.ini in [Graphics] section:
Where N is a number larger than 8 (default hardcoded value). Good starting point is twice the default size (i.e. 16-17).
Save Revit.ini.
Restart Revit. If the size of temporary dimensions is still small, repeat from step 1 with larger number.
Please note, the [Graphics] section may not exist. If this is the case add a line that contains [Graphics