View Full Version : cant crop raster image on sheet

2006-10-18, 06:36 PM
I have a raster image of a survey I want to put on a sheet but it is larger than the sheet so the poprtion hanging over the title block throuws the plot layout off. I would like to put it in a detail view and place it on a sheet but there are no crop regions for a detail view. any suggestions?

2006-10-18, 06:44 PM
How I usually handle this is create a duplicate plan view and place the image I'm importing on the new view and crop it as needed. Then you can drag it onto the correct sheet.

2006-10-18, 07:41 PM
Sometimes with a really busy plan duplicating it and using the crop regions will leave a ton of tags that you have to right click on and hide annotation in view. The other way would be to put an elevation marker on the plan, shrink the elevation box to practically nothing, then hide that annotation. Then you can put the image in your elevation, turn on the crop region, and only have to hide your level markers if they are within the crop box.