View Full Version : Copying Level Bubble Arrangements

2003-06-16, 05:24 PM
When viewed in section or elevation there are a number of level tags where the text overlaps the one above or below. I used the bubble drag handles in one elevation to adjust the tags and text so that they no longer overlap. However this alignment is view specific. Is there a way to transfer this tag alignment to other views or am I stuck going into each section or elevation view and manually tweaking each one? I seem to remember that someone else asked this question (or one similar to it) but nothing turned up when I searched here, alt.cad.revit and Google groups.

2003-06-16, 09:27 PM
When viewed in section or elevation there are a number of level tags where the text overlaps the one above or below. I used the bubble drag handles in one elevation to adjust the tags and text so that they no longer overlap. However this alignment is view specific. Is there a way to transfer this tag alignment to other views or am I stuck going into each section or elevation view and manually tweaking each one? I seem to remember that someone else asked this question (or one similar to it) but nothing turned up when I searched here, alt.cad.revit and Google groups.

Unfortunately there is no other way at the moment. The ability to save the level setup within a view template would be useful, but will have to be added to the wishlist.


2003-06-17, 01:58 PM
Thats what I was afraid of. Off to the wishlist forum.