View Full Version : Wall joins continue to mysteriously screw up

2006-10-20, 02:18 PM
This invariably happens on just about every project I work on, and has since I began using Revit on v. 6.1 (we're still on 9 here).

I don't know if this is true for every case, but on my current project it appears to be happening only on walls that are attached to a roof (not on parapet walls running up past a roof). On several of my exterior walls that are attached to a roof above, where the walls create outside corners, they start out fine early on, but as the project progresses into CD's at some point I'll notice that the wall layers on those outside corners do not join properly in plan. If the walls are the same and I change them to Mitered it's fine, but when set to Butt joint, one wall's core layer appears to run all the way to outside, and the other wall's core layer and finishes extend to the finish layer of the first wall, instead of the core layers joining.

In all cases it's fine to begin with, and then at some point in the design/CD process it just seems to get out of whack w/o explanation (although I'm sure it happens with some other action on the other side of the model that is seemingly unrelated). Also, it appears as normal from the exterior in all elevation and 3D views. The only problem is in plan views. Also, it only seems to happen on exterior walls, which have multiple core, substrate, and finish layers. I've never seen it happen on interior walls that have only a single core layer and a single finish layer on each side of the core layer.

Here's an image I attached way back last year, probably on v7 or so, but I'm still having the problem now, even on adjacent walls that are the same.


2006-10-20, 02:31 PM
Okay, very interesting, the problem is being caused by extending unlocked layers of the wall via the Base Extension Distance parameter.

But here's where it's wierd. I had all these walls with the crazy joins set to -2" for the base extension distance. So I set them all to 0" and all the joins went back to normal in plan. But if I set only one wall with an extension distance, and leave the other adjoining wall as 0, the wall join in plan remains correct. As soon as I set an extension distance on the adjoining wall, even if it's the same distance as the first wall, then the wall join looks screwy in plan. This makes no sense at all.

*edit* I copied the walls into a blank project and could not replicate the problem. So the base extension distance is part of the problem, but not the total cause of the problem.

2006-10-20, 07:37 PM
Sorry to hear about your trouble. Please send your file in so we can fix the bug.

We have seen some issues with extensions not playing well with roof attachments. Your case will help us diagnose the main cause better.

Thank you,


2006-10-25, 04:28 PM
I have had the same problem, but with only some walls. I have deleted the walls and re-made them, with the same result, I have finally gotten it to apprear in plan correctly, but in elevation it looks like a butt join, which then means that the reveals don't work properly nor does the split face and then paint.

I thought it was a problem with the way the project was set up, but I guess not. This only happens on exterior walls. I did check the base extension paramenter, but they are all set to 0"

Any help would be appreciated.