View Full Version : Existing conditions grayed

2006-10-20, 02:37 PM
I have just recently changed a large campus I modeled to "existing" phase, but it grays out. I'm not seeing anything in VG to control this, nor anything in settings.

2006-10-20, 02:44 PM
By default, objects that were created on the previous phase are shown screened. You control this via graphic overrides in your Phasing settings. That is the industry standard I believe, to show existing to remain objects as gray, or half-tone. I assume your view is set to New Construction and your phase filter is set to either Show All or Show Previous + New? Do you know want them to show half-tone, which makes it easier to distinguish between existing and newly-constructed elements?

2006-10-20, 02:45 PM
Try going to Settings > Phases > Phase Filters, and see if "Existing" is set to Overidden for whatever filter youre using in that view. Then go to the overrides and see what the graphics are set to for the Existing Phase...

EDIT: Patrick beat me to it :)

2006-10-20, 02:53 PM
Two for the price of one! Thanx! I had forgotten to change the VProps accordingly...

Thise filters wig me out. Were they always there?

2006-10-20, 06:49 PM
The one complaint I have regarding graphic overrides for existing conditions is the inability to maintain the existing line styles. When I use AutoCad imported floor plans as a base to work off of, my existing phase base drawings show the correct linetypes (ie. overhead soffits, hidden lines etc.). When you change the phase to new construction and use the show existing + new filter, the graphic override kicks in and makes all my existing linework as solid lines. I would like to have a line style graphic override that is <by category> or <retain line pattern> or something to that effect.

2006-10-22, 05:23 PM
You can create your own Phase Filters and and change the way Graphic Overrides for New, Existing, Demolished and Temporary are either By Category, Not Displayed or Overridden. Also, consider Filters to control some of your wall types or for that matter any model object category by Type properties. This gives us a little more control for category Types visibility on a view or the Projection and Cut Line Weight, Color and Line Pattern, as well as a general Halftone of the Category Type. Gets us one step closer to the ultimate control of any object in any category by it's Instance. We're almost there, maybe Autodesk Revit Building 10.X